BlockfrostMethods class


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
name String
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
url String


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


accountAssociatedAddresses → const BlockfrostMethods
Obtain information about the addresses of a specific account.
accountDelegationHistory → const BlockfrostMethods
Obtain information about the delegation of a specific account.
accountHistory → const BlockfrostMethods
Obtain information about the history of a specific account.
accountMIRHistory → const BlockfrostMethods
Obtain information about the MIRs of a specific account.
accountRegistrationHistory → const BlockfrostMethods
Obtain information about the registrations and deregistrations of a specific account.
accountRewardHistory → const BlockfrostMethods
Obtain information about the reward history of a specific account.
accountWithdrawalHistory → const BlockfrostMethods
Obtain information about the withdrawals of a specific account.
addressDetails → const BlockfrostMethods
Obtain details about an address.
addressesAffectedInASpecificBlock → const BlockfrostMethods
Return list of addresses affected in the specified block with additional information, sorted by the bech32 address, ascending.
addressTransactions → const BlockfrostMethods
Transactions on the address.
addressUTXOs → const BlockfrostMethods
UTXOs of the address.
addressUTXOsOfaGivenAsset → const BlockfrostMethods
UTXOs of the address.
assetAddresses → const BlockfrostMethods
List of a addresses containing a specific asset.
assetHistory → const BlockfrostMethods
History of a specific asset.
assets → const BlockfrostMethods
List of assets. If an asset is completely burned, it will stay on the list with quantity 0 (order of assets is immutable
assetsAssociatedWithTheAccountAddresses → const BlockfrostMethods
Obtain information about assets associated with addresses of a specific account.
assetsOfaSpecificPolicy → const BlockfrostMethods
List of asset minted under a specific policy.
assetTransactions → const BlockfrostMethods
List of a specific asset transactions.
backendHealthStatus → const BlockfrostMethods
Return backend status as a boolean. Your application should handle situations when backend for the given chain is unavailable.
blockchainGenesis → const BlockfrostMethods
Return the information about blockchain genesis.
blockDistribution → const BlockfrostMethods
Return the blocks minted for the epoch specified.
blockDistributionByPool → const BlockfrostMethods
Return the block minted for the epoch specified by stake pool.
blockFrostEndpointUsageMetrics → const BlockfrostMethods
History of your Blockfrost usage metrics per endpoint in the past 30 days.
blockFrostUsageMetric → const BlockfrostMethods
History of your Blockfrost usage metrics in the past 30 days.
blockTransactions → const BlockfrostMethods
Return the transactions within the block.
currentBackendTime → const BlockfrostMethods
This endpoint provides the current UNIX time. Your application might use this to verify if the client clock is not out of sync.
dataumCBORValue → const BlockfrostMethods
Query CBOR serialised datum by its hash.
datumValue → const BlockfrostMethods
Query JSON value of a datum by its hash.
deriveAnAddress → const BlockfrostMethods
Derive Shelley address from an xpub
detailedInformationAboutAccountAssociatedAddresses → const BlockfrostMethods
Obtain summed details about all addresses associated with a given account.
extendedInformationOfaSpecificAddress → const BlockfrostMethods
Obtain extended information about a specific address.
lastBlockTransactions → const BlockfrostMethods
Return the transactions within the latest block.
latestBlock → const BlockfrostMethods
Return the latest block available to the backends, also known as the tip of the blockchain.
latestEpoch → const BlockfrostMethods
Return the information about the latest, therefore current, epoch..
latestEpochProtocolParameters → const BlockfrostMethods
Return the protocol parameters for the latest epoch..
listingOfNextBlocks → const BlockfrostMethods
Return the list of blocks following a specific block.
listingOfNextEpoches → const BlockfrostMethods
Return the list of epochs following a specific epoch.
listingOfPreviousBlocks → const BlockfrostMethods
Return the list of blocks preceding a specific block.
listingOfPreviousEpoches → const BlockfrostMethods
Return the list of epochs preceding a specific epoch.
listOfRetiredStakePools → const BlockfrostMethods
List of already retired pools.
listOfRetiringStakePools → const BlockfrostMethods
List of stake pools retiring in the upcoming epochs.
listOfStakePools → const BlockfrostMethods
List of registered stake pools.
listOfStakePoolsWithAdditionalInformation → const BlockfrostMethods
List of registered stake pools with additional information.
listOfTickersOfAnOracle → const BlockfrostMethods
List of records of a specific oracle
mempool → const BlockfrostMethods
Return transactions that are currently stored in Blockfrost mempool, waiting to be included in a newly minted block. Shows only transactions submitted via
mempoolByAddress → const BlockfrostMethods
List of mempool transactions where at least one of the transaction inputs or outputs belongs to the address. Shows only transactions submitted via
networkInformation → const BlockfrostMethods
Return detailed network information.
protocolParameters → const BlockfrostMethods
Return the protocol parameters for the epoch specified.
querySummaryOfBlockchainEras → const BlockfrostMethods
Returns start and end of each era along with parameters that can vary between hard forks.
redeemersOfASpecificScript → const BlockfrostMethods
List of redeemers of a specific script.
rootEndpoint → const BlockfrostMethods
Root endpoint has no other function than to point end users to documentation.
scriptCBOR → const BlockfrostMethods
CBOR representation of a plutus script.
scriptJson → const BlockfrostMethods
JSON representation of a timelock script
scripts → const BlockfrostMethods
List of scripts.
specificAccountAddress → const BlockfrostMethods
Obtain information about a specific stake account.
specificAddress → const BlockfrostMethods
Obtain information about a specific address.
specificAsset → const BlockfrostMethods
Information about a specific asset.
specificBlock → const BlockfrostMethods
Return the content of a requested block.
specificBlockInASlot → const BlockfrostMethods
Return the content of a requested block for a specific slot.
specificBlockInASlotInAnEpoch → const BlockfrostMethods
Return the content of a requested block for a specific slot in an epoch.
specificEpoch → const BlockfrostMethods
Return the content of the requested epoch.
specificNutlinkAddress → const BlockfrostMethods
List metadata about specific address
specificScript → const BlockfrostMethods
Information about a specific script.
specificStakePool → const BlockfrostMethods
Pool information.
specificTicker → const BlockfrostMethods
List of records of a specific ticker
specificTickerForAnAddress → const BlockfrostMethods
List of records of a specific ticker
specificTransaction → const BlockfrostMethods
Return content of the requested transaction.
specificTransactionInTheMempool → const BlockfrostMethods
Return content of the requested transaction.
stakeDistribution → const BlockfrostMethods
Return the active stake distribution for the specified epoch.
stakeDistributionByPool → const BlockfrostMethods
Return the active stake distribution for the epoch specified by stake pool.
stakePoolBlocks → const BlockfrostMethods
List of stake pools blocks.
stakePoolDelegators → const BlockfrostMethods
List of current stake pools delegators.
stakePoolHistory → const BlockfrostMethods
History of stake pool parameters over epochs.
stakePoolMetadata → const BlockfrostMethods
Stake pool registration metadata.
stakePoolRelays → const BlockfrostMethods
Relays of a stake pool.
stakePoolUpdates → const BlockfrostMethods
List of certificate updates to the stake pool.
submitATransactionForExecutionUnitsEvaluation → const BlockfrostMethods
Submit an already serialized transaction to evaluate how much execution units it requires.
submitATransactionForExecutionUnitsEvaluationAdditionalUTXOset → const BlockfrostMethods
Submit a JSON payload with transaction CBOR and additional UTXO set to evaluate how much execution units it requires.
submitTransaction → const BlockfrostMethods
Submit an already serialized transaction to the network.
transactionDelegationCertificates → const BlockfrostMethods
Obtain information about delegation certificates of a specific transaction.
transactionMetadata → const BlockfrostMethods
Obtain the transaction metadata.
transactionMetadataContentInCbor → const BlockfrostMethods
Transaction metadata per label.
transactionMetadataContentInJson → const BlockfrostMethods
Transaction metadata per label.
transactionMetadataInCBOR → const BlockfrostMethods
Obtain the transaction metadata in CBOR.
transactionMetadataLabels → const BlockfrostMethods
List of all used transaction metadata labels.
transactionMIRs → const BlockfrostMethods
Obtain information about Move Instantaneous Rewards (MIRs) of a specific transaction.
transactionRedeemers → const BlockfrostMethods
Obtain the transaction redeemers.
transactionStakeAddressesCertificates → const BlockfrostMethods
Obtain information about (de)registration of stake addresses within a transaction.
transactionStakePoolRegistrationAndUpdateCertificates → const BlockfrostMethods
Obtain information about stake pool registration and update certificates of a specific transaction.
transactionStakePoolRetirementCertificates → const BlockfrostMethods
Obtain information about stake pool retirements within a specific transaction.
transactionUTXOs → const BlockfrostMethods
Return the inputs and UTXOs of the specific transaction.
transactionWithdrawal → const BlockfrostMethods
Obtain information about withdrawals of a specific transaction.
values → const List<BlockfrostMethods>