ada/src/models/ada_models library
- ADABaseTransactionWitness
- ADATransaction
- AdaTransactionUtils
- AssetName
- Represents an asset name.
- Assets
- Represents a collection of assets with associated asset names and quantities.
- AuxiliaryData
- Represents auxiliary data in a transaction.
- AuxiliaryDataHash
- Represents a hash for auxiliary data.
- BlockHash
- Represents a block hash.
- BootstrapWitness
- Represents a bootstrap (Byron) witness.
- Certificate
- Represents an abstract certificate with serialization capabilities.
- CertificateType
- Represents the type of a certificate.
- ConstrPlutusData
- Represents constructed Plutus data.
- Costmdls
- Represents cost models for different languages.
- CostModel
- Represents a cost model.
- DataHash
- Represents a data hash.
- DataOption
- Represents a data option in a transaction with serialization support.
- DataOptionData
- Represents a data option with Plutus data in a transaction with serialization support.
- DataOptionDataHash
- Represents a data option with a data hash in a transaction with serialization support.
- Ed25519KeyHash
- Represents an Ed25519 key hash..
- Ed25519PoolKeyHash
- Represents an Ed25519 pool key hash..
- Ed25519Signature
- Represents an Ed25519 signature.
- ExUnitPrices
- ExUnits
- FixedBytes
- Abstract class for handling fixed length bytes.
- GeneralTransactionMetadata
- Represents general transaction metadata.
- GenesisDelegateHash
- Represents a hash for a genesis delegate.
- GenesisHash
- Represents a hash for a genesis.
- GenesisKeyDelegation
- Represents a certificate for genesis key delegation.
- Header
- HeaderBody
- HeaderLeaderCert
- HeaderLeaderCertNonceAndLeader
- HeaderLeaderCertType
- HeaderLeaderCertVrfResult
- Ipv4
- Class representing an IPv4 address.
- Ipv6
- Class representing an IPv6 address.
- KESSignature
- Represents a KES signature.
- Represents a KES verification key.
- Language
- MetadataJsonSchema
- Enum representing different JSON schemas for metadata.
- MetadataSchemaConfig
- Configuration for metadata schema, specifying JSON schema and whether to use integers instead of big integers.
- Mint
- Represents a list of minting information.
- MintAssets
- Represents the assets to be minted.
- MintInfo
- Represents information about minting assets.
- Abstract class representing a Move Instance Reward with serialization support.
- MIRPot
- Represents a pot for Move instance reward.
- MIRToStakeCredentials
- Represents a Move Instance Reward allocated to stake credentials, with serialization support.
- MoveInstantaneousReward
- Represents a move instantaneous reward.
- MoveInstantaneousRewardsCert
- Represents a move instantaneous rewards certificate with serialization support.
- MultiAsset
- Represents a collection of multiple assets associated with policy IDs.
- MultiHostName
- Class representing a multi-hostname relay.
- NativeScript
- Represents a native script.
- NativeScriptScriptAll
- Represents a native script that requires all provided scripts to be satisfied.
- NativeScriptScriptAny
- Represents a native script that requires any of the provided scripts to be satisfied.
- NativeScriptScriptNOfK
- Represents a native script that requires N of the provided scripts to be satisfied.
- NativeScriptScriptPubkey
- Represents a native script that verifies against a public key.
- NativeScriptTimelockExpiry
- Represents a native script that enforces a timelock expiry at a specific slot.
- NativeScriptTimelockStart
- Represents a native script that enforces a timelock starting at a specific slot.
- NativeScriptType
- Represents a native script type.
- NativeScriptUtils
- Utility class for native script operations.
- Nonce
- Evolving nonce type (used for Update's crypto)
- OperationalCert
- PlutusBytes
- Represents Plutus bytes data.
- PlutusData
- Abstract class representing Plutus data.
- PlutusDataType
- Represents different types of Plutus data.
- PlutusDataUtils
- PlutusInteger
- Represents a Plutus integer.
- PlutusJsonSchema
- Represents different types of Plutus JSON schemas.
- PlutusList
- Represents a Plutus list.
- PlutusMap
- Represents a Plutus map.
- PlutusSchemaConfig
- Configuration for Plutus schema.
- PlutusScript
- PolicyID
- Represents a Policy ID hash..
- PoolMetadata
- Represents pool metadata
- PoolMetadataHash
- Represents a hash for pool metadata.
- PoolParams
- Represents pool parameters with serialization support.
- PoolRegistration
- Represents a pool registration certificate with serialization support.
- PoolRetirement
- Represents a pool retirement certificate with serialization support.
- ProposedProtocolParameterUpdates
- ProtocolParamUpdate
- ProtocolVersion
- Redeemer
- RedeemerTag
- Relay
- Abstract class representing a relay for Cardano transactions.
- RelayType
- Enum representing the type of relay.
- ScriptDataHash
- Represents a script data hash.
- ScriptHash
- Represents a script hash..
- ScriptRef
- Abstract class representing a script reference.
- ScriptRefNativeScript
- Represents a native script reference.
- ScriptRefPlutusScript
- Represents a Plutus script reference.
- ScriptRefType
- Represents the type of a script reference.
- SingleHostAddr
- Class representing a single host address relay.
- SingleHostName
- Class representing a single host name relay for Cardano transactions.
- StakeCred
- Represents a stake credential.
- StakeCredKey
- Represents a stake credential using a public key.
- StakeCredScript
- Represents a stake credential using a script.
- StakeCredType
- Represents the type of a stake credential.
- StakeDelegation
- Represents a stake delegation certificate with serialization support.
- StakeDeregistration
- Represents a stake deregistration certificate with serialization support.
- StakeRegistration
- Represents a stake registration certificate with serialization support.
- ToOtherPot
- Represents a Move Instance Reward to be allocated to another pot, with serialization support.
- TransactionBody
- TransactionDataOptionType
- Represents the type of data included in a transaction option with serialization support.
- TransactionHash
- Represents a hash for a transaction.
- TransactionInput
- Represents an input in a transaction.
T> - Abstract class representing transaction metadata.
- TransactionMetadataBytes
- Represents transaction metadata containing bytes.
- TransactionMetadataInt
- Represents transaction metadata containing an integer value.
- TransactionMetadataList
- Represents transaction metadata containing a list of transaction metadata items.
- TransactionMetadataMap
- Represents transaction metadata containing a map of transaction metadata items.
- TransactionMetadataText
- Represents transaction metadata containing text data.
- TransactionMetadataType
- Represents a type of transaction metadata with serialization support.
- TransactionOutput
- Represents a transaction output.
- TransactionWitnessSet
- Represents a set of transaction witnesses.
- UnitInterval
- Update
- Value
- Represents the value of an output.
- Vkey
- Represents a verification key (Vkey).
- Vkeywitness
- Represents a witness for a Vkey along with its corresponding Ed25519 signature.
- VRFCert
- VRFKeyHash
- Represents a VRF key hash.
- Represents a VRF verification key.
- Withdrawals