queryPlaylists method

Future<List<PlaylistModel>> queryPlaylists([
  1. PlaylistSortType? sortType,
  2. OrderType? orderType,
  3. UriType? uriType,
  4. bool? requestPermission,

Used to return Playlists Info based in PlaylistModel.


  • requestPermission is used for request or no Android STORAGE PERMISSION.
  • orderType is used to define if order will be Ascending or Descending.
  • sortType is used to define list sort.
  • uriType is used to define if songs will be catch in EXTERNAL or INTERNAL storage.


  • If requestPermission is null, will be set to false.
  • If orderType is null, will be set to ASC_OR_SMALLER.
  • If sortType is null, will be set to PlaylistName.
  • If uriType is null, will be set to EXTERNAL.


Future<List<PlaylistModel>> queryPlaylists([
  PlaylistSortType? sortType,
  OrderType? orderType,
  UriType? uriType,
  bool? requestPermission,
]) async {
  final List<dynamic> resultPlaylists =
      await _channel.invokeMethod("queryPlaylists", {
    "requestPermission": _checkPermission(requestPermission),
        sortType != null ? sortType.index : PlaylistSortType.DEFAULT.index,
    "orderType": _checkOrder(orderType),
    "uri": uriType != null ? uriType.index : UriType.EXTERNAL.index
  return resultPlaylists
      .map((playlistInfo) => PlaylistModel(playlistInfo))