okay library


Result<T, E>
Result is a type that that represents either success (ok) or failure (err)


Adapter on Result<T, E>
Adapter for each variant
Boolean on Result<T, E>
Boolean operations on the contained values
Collect on Iterable<Result<T, E>>
Converts an Iterable<Result<T, E>> to a Result<Iterable<T>, E>
Contains on Result<T, E>
Compairs contained ok or err value
Extractors on Result<T, E>
Extract value or error
Inspect on Result<T, E>
Run closures on contained value or error
OkOrErr on Result<T, T>
ok and err have the same type
QueryingValues on Result<T, E>
Querying the contained values
Transformers on Result<T, E>
Transforming contained values


err<T, E>(E errValue) Result<T, E>
Failure Result
ok<T, E>(T okValue) Result<T, E>
Success Result