ShopifyOAuth2Client class

Implements an OAuth2 client that uses Shopify services to authorize requests.

You can get the access token for using it with the graphql or rest APIS via


Note that shopify only http and https as scheme



ShopifyOAuth2Client({required String shop, required String redirectUri, required String customUriScheme})


authorizeUrl String
getter/setter pairinherited
credentialsLocation CredentialsLocation
getter/setter pairinherited
customUriScheme String
getter/setter pairinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
redirectUri String
getter/setter pairinherited
refreshUrl String?
getter/setter pairinherited
revokeUrl String?
getter/setter pairinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
scopeSeparator String
getter/setter pairinherited
tokenUrl String
getter/setter pairinherited
webAuthClient BaseWebAuth
getter/setter pairinherited


getAuthorizationHeader({required String clientId, String? clientSecret}) Map<String, String>
getAuthorizeUrl({required String clientId, String responseType = 'code', String? redirectUri, List<String>? scopes, bool enableState = true, String? state, String? codeChallenge, Map<String, dynamic>? customParams}) String
Generates the url to be used for fetching the authorization code.
getRefreshUrlParams({required String refreshToken}) Map<String, String>
Returns the parameters needed for the refresh token request
getTokenUrlParams({required String code, String? redirectUri, String? codeVerifier, Map<String, dynamic>? customParams}) Map<String, dynamic>
Returns the parameters needed for the authorization code request
getTokenWithAuthCodeFlow({required String clientId, List<String>? scopes, String? clientSecret, bool enablePKCE = true, bool enableState = true, String? state, String? codeVerifier, Function? afterAuthorizationCodeCb, Map<String, dynamic>? authCodeParams, Map<String, dynamic>? accessTokenParams, Map<String, String>? accessTokenHeaders, dynamic httpClient, BaseWebAuth? webAuthClient, Map<String, dynamic>? webAuthOpts}) Future<AccessTokenResponse>
Requests an Access Token to the OAuth2 endpoint using the Authorization Code Flow.
getTokenWithClientCredentialsFlow({required String clientId, required String clientSecret, List<String>? scopes, Map<String, String>? customHeaders, dynamic httpClient}) Future<AccessTokenResponse>
Requests an Access Token to the OAuth2 endpoint using the Client Credentials flow.
getTokenWithImplicitGrantFlow({required String clientId, List<String>? scopes, bool enableState = true, String? state, dynamic httpClient, BaseWebAuth? webAuthClient, Map<String, dynamic>? webAuthOpts, Map<String, dynamic>? customParams}) Future<AccessTokenResponse>
Requests an Access Token to the OAuth2 endpoint using the Implicit grant flow (
http2TokenResponse(Response response, {List<String>? requestedScopes}) AccessTokenResponse
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
refreshToken(String refreshToken, {dynamic httpClient, required String clientId, String? clientSecret, List<String>? scopes}) Future<AccessTokenResponse>
Refreshes an Access Token issuing a refresh_token grant to the OAuth2 server.
requestAccessToken({required String code, required String clientId, String? clientSecret, String? codeVerifier, List<String>? scopes, Map<String, dynamic>? customParams, Map<String, String>? customHeaders, dynamic httpClient}) Future<AccessTokenResponse>
Requests and Access Token using the provided Authorization code.
requestAuthorization({required String clientId, List<String>? scopes, String? codeChallenge, bool enableState = true, String? state, Map<String, dynamic>? customParams, BaseWebAuth? webAuthClient, Map<String, dynamic>? webAuthOpts}) Future<AuthorizationResponse>
Requests an Authorization Code to be used in the Authorization Code grant.
revokeAccessToken(AccessTokenResponse tknResp, {String? clientId, String? clientSecret, dynamic httpClient}) Future<OAuth2Response>
Revokes the Access Token in the provided tknResp
revokeRefreshToken(AccessTokenResponse tknResp, {String? clientId, String? clientSecret, dynamic httpClient}) Future<OAuth2Response>
Revokes the Refresh Token in the provided tknResp
revokeToken(AccessTokenResponse tknResp, {String? clientId, String? clientSecret, dynamic httpClient}) Future<OAuth2Response>
Revokes both the Access and the Refresh tokens in the provided tknResp
serializeScopes(List<String> scopes) String
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.