getTokenWithAuthCodeFlow method
- required String clientId,
- List<
String> ? scopes, - String? clientSecret,
- bool enablePKCE = true,
- bool enableState = true,
- String? state,
- String? codeVerifier,
- Function? afterAuthorizationCodeCb,
- Map<
String, dynamic> ? authCodeParams, - Map<
String, dynamic> ? accessTokenParams, - Map<
String, String> ? accessTokenHeaders, - dynamic httpClient,
- BaseWebAuth? webAuthClient,
- Map<
String, dynamic> ? webAuthOpts,
Requests an Access Token to the OAuth2 endpoint using the Authorization Code Flow.
Future<AccessTokenResponse> getTokenWithAuthCodeFlow(
{required String clientId,
List<String>? scopes,
String? clientSecret,
bool enablePKCE = true,
bool enableState = true,
String? state,
String? codeVerifier,
Function? afterAuthorizationCodeCb,
Map<String, dynamic>? authCodeParams,
Map<String, dynamic>? accessTokenParams,
Map<String, String>? accessTokenHeaders,
BaseWebAuth? webAuthClient,
Map<String, dynamic>? webAuthOpts}) async {
AccessTokenResponse? tknResp;
String? codeChallenge;
if (enablePKCE) {
codeVerifier ??= randomAlphaNumeric(80);
codeChallenge = OAuth2Utils.generateCodeChallenge(codeVerifier);
try {
var authResp = await requestAuthorization(
webAuthClient: webAuthClient,
clientId: clientId,
scopes: scopes,
codeChallenge: codeChallenge,
enableState: enableState,
state: state,
customParams: authCodeParams,
webAuthOpts: webAuthOpts);
if (authResp.isAccessGranted()) {
if (afterAuthorizationCodeCb != null) {
tknResp = await requestAccessToken(
httpClient: httpClient,
//If the authorization request was successfull, the code must be set
//otherwise an exception is raised in the OAuth2Response constructor
code: authResp.code!,
clientId: clientId,
scopes: scopes,
clientSecret: clientSecret,
codeVerifier: codeVerifier,
customParams: accessTokenParams,
customHeaders: accessTokenHeaders);
} else {
tknResp = AccessTokenResponse.errorResponse();
} on PlatformException {
tknResp = AccessTokenResponse.errorResponse();
return tknResp;