nyxx_commander library


mentionPrefixHandler(IMessage message) String?


AfterHandlerFunction = FutureOr<void> Function(ICommandContext context)
Handler for executing logic after executing command.
CommandExecutionError = FutureOr<void> Function(ICommandContext context, dynamic exception)
Callback called when command executions returns with Exception or Error (exception variable could be either).
CommandHandlerFunction = FutureOr<void> Function(ICommandContext context, String message)
Handler for executing command logic.
LoggerHandlerFunction = FutureOr<void> Function(ICommandContext context, String commandName, Logger logger)
Callback to customize logger output when command is executed.
PassHandlerFunction = FutureOr<bool> Function(ICommandContext context)
Used to determine if command can be executed in given environment. Return true to allow executing command or false otherwise.
PrefixHandlerFunction = FutureOr<String?> Function(IMessage message)
Handler used to determine prefix for command in given environment. Can be used to define different prefixes for different guild, users or dms. Return String containing prefix or null if command cannot be executed.