NyBaseState<T extends StatefulWidget > class
activate ()
→ void
Called when this object is reinserted into the tree after having been
removed via deactivate .
afterLoad ({required dynamic child (), Widget ? loading , String ? loadingKey })
→ Widget
The afterLoad method will check if the state is loading
If loading it will display the loading
You can also specify the name of the loadingKey
afterNotLocked (String name , {required dynamic child (), Widget ? loading })
→ Widget
The afterNotLocked method will check if the state is locked,
if the state is locked it will display the loading
afterNotNull (dynamic variable , {required dynamic child (), Widget ? loading })
→ Widget
The afterNotNull method will check if the variable
passed in is null
If the variable is not null, it will display the loading
awaitData ({String name = 'default' , required Function perform , bool shouldSetStateBefore = true , bool shouldSetStateAfter = true })
→ dynamic
Use the awaitData method when initial fetching data for a widget.
E.g. When your page first loads and you want to populate your widgets with
build (BuildContext context )
→ Widget
Describes the part of the user interface represented by this widget.
changeLanguage (String language , {bool restartState = true })
→ dynamic
Update the language in the application
color ({Color ? light , Color ? dark })
→ Color
Get the color based on the device mode
confirmAction (dynamic action (), {required String title , String dismissText = "Cancel" , String confirmText = "Yes" , CupertinoThemeData ? cupertinoThemeData , ThemeData ? themeData , Color barrierColor = kCupertinoModalBarrierColor , bool barrierDismissible = true , bool useRootNavigator = true , bool semanticsDismissible = false , RouteSettings ? routeSettings , Offset ? anchorPoint })
→ dynamic
Allow the user to confirm an action
Provide a title
for the confirm button. You can also provide a
for the cancel button.
confirmAction(() {
... perform action
}, title: "Delete account?", dismissText: "Cancel");
data <T > ({dynamic defaultValue })
→ T?
Get data from the NyStatefulWidget controller.
deactivate ()
→ void
Called when this object is removed from the tree.
debugFillProperties (DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties )
→ void
Add additional properties associated with the node.
didChangeDependencies ()
→ void
Called when a dependency of this State object changes.
didUpdateWidget (covariant T oldWidget )
→ void
Called whenever the widget configuration changes.
dispose ()
→ void
Called when this object is removed from the tree permanently.
initState ()
→ void
Called when this object is inserted into the tree.
isLoading ({String name = 'default' })
→ bool
Checks the value from your loading map.
Provide the name
of the loader.
isLocked (String name )
→ bool
Checks the value from your lock map.
Provide the name
of the lock.
lockRelease (String name , {required Function perform , bool shouldSetState = true })
→ dynamic
The lockRelease method will call the function provided in perform
and then block the function from being called again until it has finished.
noSuchMethod (Invocation invocation )
→ dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
pop ({dynamic result })
→ dynamic
Pop the current widget from the stack.
pushTo (Widget page , {dynamic data })
→ dynamic
Push to a new page
queryParameters ({String ? key })
→ dynamic
Get queryParameters from the NyStatefulWidget controller.
reassemble ()
→ void
Called whenever the application is reassembled during debugging, for
example during hot reload.
reboot ()
→ dynamic
Reboot your widget.
setLoading (bool value , {String name = 'default' , bool resetState = true })
→ dynamic
Set the value of a loading key by padding a true or false
setState (VoidCallback fn )
→ void
Notify the framework that the internal state of this object has changed.
showToast ({ToastNotificationStyleType style = ToastNotificationStyleType.success , required String title , required String description , IconData ? icon , Duration ? duration })
→ dynamic
Show a toast notification
showToastCustom ({String ? title , String ? description , ToastNotificationStyleType ? style })
→ dynamic
Display a custom Toast message.
showToastDanger ({String ? title , required String description , ToastNotificationStyleType ? style })
→ dynamic
Displays a Toast message containing "Error" for the title, you
only need to provide a description
showToastInfo ({String ? title , required String description , ToastNotificationStyleType ? style })
→ dynamic
Displays a Toast message containing "Info" for the title, you
only need to provide a description
showToastOops ({String ? title , required String description , ToastNotificationStyleType ? style })
→ dynamic
Displays a Toast message containing "Oops" for the title, you
only need to provide a description
showToastSorry ({String ? title , required String description , ToastNotificationStyleType ? style })
→ dynamic
Displays a Toast message containing "Sorry" for the title, you
only need to provide a description
showToastSuccess ({String ? title , required String description , ToastNotificationStyleType ? style })
→ dynamic
Displays a Toast message containing "Success" for the title, you
only need to provide a description
showToastWarning ({String ? title , required String description , ToastNotificationStyleType ? style })
→ dynamic
Displays a Toast message containing "Warning" for the title, you
only need to provide a description
stateUpdated (dynamic data )
→ dynamic
When you call updateState , this method will be called within your
State. The data
parameter will contain any data passed from the
updateState method.
toDiagnosticsNode ({String ? name , DiagnosticsTreeStyle ? style })
→ DiagnosticsNode
Returns a debug representation of the object that is used by debugging
tools and by DiagnosticsNode.toStringDeep .
toString ({DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel.info })
→ String
A string representation of this object.
toStringShort ()
→ String
A brief description of this object, usually just the runtimeType and the
hashCode .
validate ({required Map <String , dynamic > rules , Map <String , dynamic > ? data , Map <String , dynamic > ? messages , bool showAlert = true , Duration ? alertDuration , ToastNotificationStyleType alertStyle = ToastNotificationStyleType.warning , required dynamic onSuccess ()?, dynamic onFailure (Exception exception )?, String ? lockRelease })
→ dynamic
Validate data from your widget.
view (BuildContext context )
→ Widget
Display your widget.
whenEnv (String env , {required Function perform , bool shouldSetState = true })
→ dynamic
Perform an action when the application's env
is in a certain state
whenStateAction (Map <String , dynamic Function() > actions )
→ dynamic
Handle what happens when an action is called
is a map of actions
whenTheme <T > ({required T light (), T dark ()? })
→ T
When the theme is in light
mode, return light
function, else return dark