FormValidator class

FormValidator is a class that helps in managing form validation It is used in the NyFormData class Example:

class RegisterForm extends NyFormData {

  Map<String, dynamic> validate() => {
    "Email": FormValidator.rule("email", message: "Invalid email")

Constructors{String? message, dynamic data})
Create a new form validator with message and data
FormValidator.boolean({String? message})
Validate a value is a boolean message The message to display if the value is invalid
FormValidator.capitalized({String? message})
Validate that the value is capitalized message The message to display if the value is invalid
FormValidator.contains(List<String> values, {String? message})
Validate the value contains one of the values message The message to display if the value is invalid
FormValidator.custom(bool customRule(dynamic data)?, {String? message})
Create a new custom validation rule{String? message})
Validate that the value is a date message The message to display if the value is invalid
FormValidator.dateAgeIsOlder(int age, {String? message})
Validate that the date is older than age message The message to display if the value is invalid age The age to compare
FormValidator.dateAgeIsYounger(int age, {String? message})
Validate that the date is younger than age message The message to display if the value is invalid age The age to compare
FormValidator.dateInFuture({String? message})
Validate that the date is in the future message The message to display if the value is invalid
FormValidator.dateInPast({String? message})
Validate that the date is in the past message The message to display if the value is invalid{String? message})
Validate an email message The message to display if the email is invalid
FormValidator.isFalse({String? message})
Validate that the value is false message The message to display if the value is invalid
FormValidator.isTrue({String? message})
Validate that the value is true message The message to display if the value is invalid
FormValidator.lowercase({String? message})
Validate that the value is lowercase message The message to display if the value is invalid
FormValidator.maxLength(int value, {String? message})
Validate that the value is a maximum of value characters message The message to display if the value is invalid value The maximum number of characters
FormValidator.maxSize(int value, {String? message})
Validate that the value is a maximum size of value message The message to display if the value is invalid value The maximum size
FormValidator.maxValue(int value, {String? message})
Validate that the value is a maximum of value message The message to display if the value is invalid value The maximum value
FormValidator.minLength(int value, {String? message})
Validate that the value is a minimum of value characters message The message to display if the value is invalid value The minimum number of characters
FormValidator.minSize(int value, {String? message})
Validate that the value is a minimum size of value message The message to display if the value is invalid value The minimum size
FormValidator.minValue(int value, {String? message})
Validate that the value is a minimum of value message The message to display if the value is invalid value The minimum value
FormValidator.notEmpty({String? message})
Validate that the value is not empty message The message to display if the value is invalid
FormValidator.numeric({String? message})
Validate that the value is numeric message The message to display if the value is invalid
FormValidator.password({int strength = 1, String? message})
Validate a password with a strength of 1 or 2 strength 1: 1 uppercased letter, 1 digit, 8 characters strength 2: 1 uppercased letter, 1 digit, 1 special character, 8 characters message The message to display if the password is invalid
FormValidator.phoneNumber({String? message})
Validate a UK phone number message The message to display if the phone number is invalid
FormValidator.phoneNumberUs({String? message})
Validate a US phone number message The message to display if the phone number is invalid
FormValidator.postcodeUk({String? message})
Validate that the value is a valid postcode for the UK message The message to display if the value is invalid
FormValidator.regex(String regex, {String? message})
Validate that the value matches a regex pattern message The message to display if the value is invalid
FormValidator.rule(dynamic rules, {String? message, dynamic data})
Create a new form validator with rules
FormValidator.uppercase({String? message})
Validate that the value is uppercase message The message to display if the value is invalid
FormValidator.url({String? message})
Validate a URL message The message to display if the URL is invalid
FormValidator.zipcodeUs({String? message})
Validate that the value is a valid zipcode for the US message The message to display if the value is invalid


customRule bool Function(dynamic data)?
getter/setter pair
data ↔ dynamic
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
message String?
getter/setter pair
rules ↔ dynamic
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


boolean() FormValidator
Validate a value is a boolean
capitalized() FormValidator
Validate that the value is capitalized
contains(List<String> values) FormValidator
Validate the value contains one of the values
date() FormValidator
Validate that the value is a date
dateAgeIsOlder(int age) FormValidator
Validate that the date is older than age
dateAgeIsYounger(int age) FormValidator
Validate that the date is younger than age
dateInFuture() FormValidator
Validate that the date is in the future
dateInPast() FormValidator
Validate that the date is in the past
email() FormValidator
Validate an email
isFalse() FormValidator
Validate that the value is false
isTrue() FormValidator
Validate that the value is true
lowercase() FormValidator
Validate that the value is lowercase
maxLength(int value) FormValidator
Validate that the value is a maximum of value characters
maxSize(int value) FormValidator
Validate that the value is a maximum size of value
maxValue(int value) FormValidator
Validate that the value is a maximum of value
minLength(int value) FormValidator
Validate that the value is a minimum of value characters
minSize(int value) FormValidator
Validate that the value is a minimum size of value
minValue(int value) FormValidator
Validate that the value is a minimum of value
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
notEmpty() FormValidator
Validate that the value is not empty
numeric() FormValidator
Validate that the value is numeric
password({required int strength}) FormValidator
Validate that the value is a password
phoneNumberUk() FormValidator
Validate a UK phone number
phoneNumberUs() FormValidator
Validate a US phone number
postcodeUk() FormValidator
Validate that the value is a valid postcode for the UK
regex(String regex) FormValidator
Validate that the value matches a regex pattern
setData(dynamic data) → dynamic
Set the data for the form validator
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
toValidationRule() List
Transform the FormValidator into a validation rule
uppercase() FormValidator
Validate that the value is uppercase
url() FormValidator
Validate a URL
zipcodeUs() FormValidator
Validate that the value is a valid zipcode for the US


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.