NyText extension

Extensions for Text



alignCenter() Text
Aligns text to the center.
alignLeft() Text
Aligns text to the left.
alignRight() Text
Aligns text to the right.
bodyLarge(BuildContext context) Text
Set the Style to use bodyLarge.
bodyMedium(BuildContext context) Text
Set the Style to use bodyMedium.
bodySmall(BuildContext context) Text
Set the Style to use bodySmall.
copyWith({Key? key, StrutStyle? strutStyle, TextAlign? textAlign, TextDirection? textDirection = TextDirection.ltr, Locale? locale, bool? softWrap, TextOverflow? overflow, TextScaler? textScaler, int? maxLines, String? semanticsLabel, TextWidthBasis? textWidthBasis, TextStyle? style}) Text
Helper to apply changes.
displayLarge(BuildContext context) Text
Set the Style to use displayLarge.
displayMedium(BuildContext context) Text
Set the Style to use displayMedium.
displaySmall(BuildContext context) Text
Set the Style to use displaySmall.
fontWeightBold() Text
Make the font bold.
fontWeightLight() Text
Make the font light.
headingLarge(BuildContext context) Text
Set the Style to use headlineLarge.
headingMedium(BuildContext context) Text
Set the Style to use headlineMedium.
headingSmall(BuildContext context) Text
Set the Style to use headlineSmall.
labelLarge(BuildContext context) Text
Set the Style to use labelLarge.
labelMedium(BuildContext context) Text
Set the Style to use labelMedium.
labelSmall(BuildContext context) Text
Set the Style to use labelSmall.
paddingOnly({double left = 0.0, double top = 0.0, double right = 0.0, double bottom = 0.0}) Padding
Add padding to the text.
setFontFamily(String fontFamily) Text
Change the fontFamily.
setFontSize(double fontSize) Text
Change the fontSize.
setMaxLines(int maxLines) Text
Aligns text to the center.
setStyle(TextStyle? style) Text
Change the style.
titleLarge(BuildContext context) Text
Set the Style to use titleLarge.
titleMedium(BuildContext context) Text
Set the Style to use titleMedium.
titleSmall(BuildContext context) Text
Set the Style to use titleSmall.