MapExt extension

Extension of the Map class for ease of access to the values



getBool(String key) bool
getDouble(String key) double
getInt(String key) int
getList<T>(String key) List<T>
getMap(String key) Map<String, dynamic>
getMapSpecific<T, C>(String key) Map<T, C>
getOptBool(String key) bool?
getOptDouble(String key) double?
getOptInt(String key) int?
getOptList<T>(String key) List<T>?
getOptMap(String key) Map<String, dynamic>?
getOptMapSpecific<T, C>(String key) Map<T, C>?
getOptString(String key) String?
Getting the nullable values from the map based on different data types
getString(String key) String
Getting the non-nullable values from the map based on different data types