filterBlocks method

List<Block> filterBlocks({
  1. List<BlockTypes> exclude = const [],
  2. List<BlockTypes> include = const [],
  3. BlockTypes? onlyLeft,
  4. String? id,

Filter the list of blocks.

Can exclude or include blocks of a certain types. Also can onlyLeft blocks of one type or search blocks by id.

If all fields are included then all filters are applied as a chain following the next order: exclude, include, onlyLeft, and the id.


List<Block> filterBlocks({
  List<BlockTypes> exclude: const [],
  List<BlockTypes> include: const [],
  BlockTypes? onlyLeft,
  String? id,
}) {
  List<Block> filetered = <Block>[];
  if (exclude.isNotEmpty) {
    filetered.removeWhere((block) => exclude.contains(block.type));
  } else if (include.isNotEmpty) {
    filetered.retainWhere((block) => include.contains(block.type));
  } else if (onlyLeft != null) {
    filetered.retainWhere((element) => element.type == onlyLeft);
  } else if (id != null) {
    filetered.retainWhere((element) => == id);

  return filetered;