parseExpression2 method

void parseExpression2(
  1. JrlLine line,
  2. String source


void parseExpression2(JrlLine line, String source) {
  RegExp varExp = RegExp(r"#(\w+)"); // Matches variables
  RegExp expressionExp =
      RegExp(r"\(([^)]+)\)"); // Matches expressions inside parentheses
  Map<String, dynamic> locvars = {};

  /// Map of variables used in the operation for templating and expressions.
  Map<String, dynamic> locexpressions = {};

  /// Map of expressions tied to the operation for dynamic evaluation.

  // Parse variables first
  varExp.allMatches(source).forEach((match) {
    String variable =!;
    if (!locvars.containsKey(variable)) {
      locvars[variable] = variable;

  // Parse expressions
  expressionExp.allMatches(source).forEach((match) {
    String expressionStr =!;
    try {
      Expression expression = Expression.parse(expressionStr);
      locexpressions[!] = expression;
      //line.valexp = expression;//TODO activat ewhen validated
    } catch (e) {
      print("Error parsing expression: $expressionStr");
  print("ilocal variables $locvars and expressions $locexpressions");