Dart Fi(nanz) Bu(chhaltung)

Dart implementation for financial accounting, according to the principle of the double account processing first described in 1445 by Luca Paciolo.

Getting Started

After choosing one of the many ways to install nohfibu, you can invoque it:


The converter

this converter has the function to convert our old data into csv that will be imported into the new dart fibu

dart run bin/wbconvert.dart --help
##### sample output #################################
###  bboett@videopi:fibu$ dart run bin/wbconvert.dart --help
###  bin/wbconvert.dart: Warning: Interpreting this as package URI, 'package:nohfibu/wbconvert.dart'.
###  applying args: lang:de base:null out:null help:true strict:false  rest: []
###  -l, --lang           Language setting
###  		     (defaults to "de")
###  -f, --file           Basename of the dataset
###  -o, --output         output name
###  -?, --[no-]help      Help about the options
###  -s, --[no-]strict    enforce old WB-Style parsing
#to really convert something: relative pathes don't work, absolute do
# easiest go to where the data is and call the script from there....
dart run bin/wbconvert.dart -f <your kpl file> -s
# this will generate a csv that can be further processed


$ dart run bin/nohfibu.dart --help # to test directly from the source dir
$ nohfibu --help # if you have activated the project, or precompiled
$ nohfibu -r -b assets/wbsamples/sample # will analyze the .csv file and produce a .lst result file
$ nohfibu  -b assets/wbsamples/sample -f MERCH# will try to fill in new journal lines following the 
                                              # MERCH receipe (in the .csv file under OPS)

at the moment the data-source is only in a (local) csv file, but will be extended in a future versions.


concerning the fast operations, read the docu

the documentation written for the C wb fibu, one day soon, hopefully, i will extend it to include the dart version, https://www.nohkumado.eu/nohfibu/ still logic and theory will be the same, so please adapt as fit, but its still usable.