parseExpression method
Helper method to extract variables from the description.
Helper method to extract variables from the valuta
check if it can be evaluated with expressions: ^0.2.3:
Parses expressions within the description or valuta fields.
These expressions are stored in expressions
and evaluated later.
//void _extractVariablesFromDescription(JrlLine line, String desc) {
// RegExp rex = RegExp(r"#(\w+)");
// final matches = rex.allMatches(desc);
// final extractedVariables = =>;
// // Store extracted variables in line.vars and the operation's `vars`.
// for (final variable in extractedVariables) {
// if (!vars.containsKey(variable)) {
// vars[variable!] = variable;
// }
// }
/// Helper method to extract variables from the `valuta` field.
//void _extractVariablesFromValuta(JrlLine line, String valuta) {
// RegExp rex = RegExp(r"#(\w+)");
// rex.allMatches(valuta).forEach((match) {
// vars[!] =;
// line.valname =;
// });
// line.valuta = -1; // Force invalid value until evaluation
///check if it can be evaluated with expressions: ^0.2.3:
///Parses expressions within the description or valuta fields.
/// These expressions are stored in `expressions` and evaluated later.
void parseExpression(JrlLine line, String source, RegExp expPresent) {
//we need to extract the variables
RegExp rex = RegExp(r"(\(.*\))");
rex.allMatches(source).forEach((match) {
String testExp =;
testExp = testExp.replaceAll("#", "");
try {
Expression expression = Expression.parse(testExp);
expressions[!] = expression;
//print("adding expression ${} with $expression");
//line.valexp =expression ?? new Expression();//force invalid value
line.valexp = expression; //force invalid value
} catch (e) {
print("error parsing expression '$testExp'");