toString method

  1. @override
String toString({
  1. String indent = "",
  2. bool debug = false,
  3. bool recursive = false,
  4. dynamic empty = false,
  5. bool extracts = false,

create a String representation of this object, eventually by recursing through the sub accounts below this one .


String toString(
    {String indent = "",
    bool debug = false,
    bool recursive = false,
    empty = false,
    bool extracts = false}) {
  String result = "";
  if (extracts) {
    //print("trying to add '${extract.toString()}'");
    if (empty)
      result += extract.toString();
    else if (extract.journal.length > 0) {
      result += extract.toString() + "\n";
      //String pff=  extract.toString();
      //if(pff.isNotEmpty) { print("adding ### $pff ####");result += pff;}
      //else print("rejecting $pff");
  } else {
    var f = NumberFormat.currency(symbol: cur2sym(cur));
    double valAsd = valuta / 100;
    double budAsd = budget / 100;
    String pname = (name == "no name") ? "$number" : name;
    result = (debug)
        ? "$indent$number. +$pname+  -$desc- ,=$cur=,  '$budget' #$valuta#\n"
        : (recursive && !empty && desc.length <= 0)
            ? ""
            : "$indent${sprintf("%#4s", [pname])}  ${sprintf("%-49s", [
                  ])} ${sprintf("%12s", [
                  ])}  ${sprintf("%12s", [f.format(valAsd)])}\n";

  if (recursive) {
    //var f = NumberFormat("###,###,###.00");
    //result += (desc.length >0 || empty)?"##$empty\n":"";
    children.forEach((key, kto) {
      //result += kto.toString(indent:indent+"$number"); //debug, just to check depth
      String sres = kto.toString(
          indent: indent + " ",
          recursive: true,
          debug: debug,
          empty: empty,
          extracts: extracts);
      if (sres.trim().isNotEmpty) result += "$sres";
  //print("extracted +$ktoName+  -$desc- ,=$w=,  '$budget' #$valuta#\n");
  return (result);