load method

void load({
  1. Book? book,
  2. FibuSettings? conf,
  3. String data = "",

load a book.


void load({Book? book, FibuSettings? conf, String data = ""}) {
  if (book == null) book = Book();
  if (conf != null) settings = conf;
  if (settings["type"] != "csv") {
    print("Error: csv handler can't read  '${settings["type"]}' only .csv");
  //print("load Book: ${settings["base"]} ${settings["type"]}  ");

  String rawTxt = (data.isNotEmpty) ? data : "";
  if (rawTxt.isEmpty) {
    var srcFile = File(settings["base"] + "." + settings["type"]);
    if (srcFile.existsSync()) {
      book.name = settings["base"].split("/").last;
      //print("file exists\n");
      rawTxt = srcFile.readAsStringSync();
      //print("file exists\n$rawTxt");
    } else {
      print("File ${settings["base"]}.${settings["type"]} does not exist");

  //var srcFile = File(settings["base"] + "." + settings["type"]);
  //if (srcFile.existsSync())
  if (rawTxt.isNotEmpty) {
    //book.name = settings["base"].split("/").last;
    //print("file exists\n");
    //String rawTxt = srcFile.readAsStringSync();
    String eol = detectEOL(rawTxt);

    List<List<dynamic>> rowsAsListOfValues =
        CsvToListConverter(eol: eol).convert(rawTxt);
    //print("extracted  $rowsAsListOfValues");
    String mode = "none";
    List header = [];
    int name = 0,
        desc = 0,
        valuta = 0,
        cur = 0,
        budget = 0,
        datum = 0,
        kmin = 0,
        kplu = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < rowsAsListOfValues.length; i++) {
      List actLine = rowsAsListOfValues[i];
      for (var field = 0; field < actLine.length; field++)
        if (actLine[field] is String && actLine[field].isNotEmpty)
          actLine[field] = actLine[field].trim();

      if (actLine.length == 1) {
        String tag = actLine[0].trim();
        if (tag.isEmpty) continue;
        if (tag == "KPL")
          mode = "kpl";
        else if (tag == "JRL")
          mode = "jrl";
        else if (tag == "OPS")
          mode = "ops";
        else {
          print("Error, unknown type: '${tag}' in '$actLine'");
          mode = "none";
        header = rowsAsListOfValues[i];
        desc = (header.indexOf("desc") >= 0)
            ? header.indexOf("desc")
            : header.indexOf("dsc");
        valuta = header.indexOf("valuta");
        if (valuta == -1 && mode != "ops")
          throw Exception("[$mode] valuta not found in $header");
        cur = header.indexOf("cur");
        if (mode == "kpl") {
          name = header.indexOf("kto");
          budget = header.indexOf("budget");
        } else if (mode == "jrl") {
          //print("KPL so far ${book.kpl}");
          datum = header.indexOf("date");
          kplu = header.indexOf("ktoplus");
          kmin = header.indexOf("ktominus");
        //print("set node to  $mode");
      } else {
        //print("treating[$mode] ${actLine}");
        if (mode == "kpl") {
          String ktoname = "${actLine[name]}";
          //print("treating[$mode] adding $ktoname prefix = ${(ktoname.length>1)?ktoname.substring(0,ktoname.length-1):''}");
          Konto res = book.kpl.put(
                  name: ktoname,
                  prefix: (ktoname.length > 1)
                      ? ktoname.substring(0, ktoname.length - 2)
                      : "",
                  desc: actLine[desc],
                  plan: book.kpl,
                  valuta: actLine[valuta],
                  cur: actLine[cur],
                  budget: actLine[budget]),
              debug: false); //("${actLine[name]}" =="4400")?true:false
          //print("added kplline [$res]");
          Konto check = book.kpl.get("${actLine[name]}") ?? Konto();
          if (!check.equals(res) || check.isNotValid()) {
                "ERROR CSVLOAD '${check.name}' does not match '${actLine[name]}' whilst parsing: ${res.number},${res.name}, ${res.desc}, ${res.valuta} vs $check");
            check = book.kpl.get("${actLine[name]}", debug: true) ?? Konto();
                "NO  ${actLine[name]} in ${book.kpl.toString(astree: true, recursive: true)}");
        } else if (mode == "jrl") {
          //print("treating[$mode] ${actLine}");
          DateTime point = DateTime.parse(actLine[datum]);
          Konto? minus = book.kpl.get("${actLine[kmin]}");
          Konto? plus = book.kpl.get("${actLine[kplu]}");
          if ("${minus?.name}" != "${actLine[kmin]}") {
                "csvhandler[jrl.minus] error ${minus?.name} does not match ${actLine[kmin]} check manually for $actLine");
                    name: "${actLine[kmin]}",
                    desc: "unknown check manually  for $actLine"));
            //minus = book.kpl.get("${actLine[kmin]}", debug: true);
          if ("${plus?.name}" != "${actLine[kplu]}") {
                "csvhandler[jrl.plus] error ${plus?.name} does not match ${actLine[kplu]} check manually for $actLine");
                    name: "{$actLine[kmin]}",
                    desc: "unknown check manually  for $actLine"));
            //plus = book.kpl.get("${actLine[kplu]}", debug: true);
          //print("treating[$mode] ${actLine}\n search ${actLine[kmin]} and ${actLine[kplu]} ${minus?.name},${minus?.number} and ${plus?.name},${plus?.number}");
          //num vval = num.parse(actLine[valuta]);
          num vval = 0;
          try {
            vval = actLine[valuta];
          } catch (e) {
                "cvshandler: error!!!  ${actLine[valuta]} not a num in ${actLine} with $e");
          JrlLine res = book.jrl.add(JrlLine(
              datum: point,
              kmin: minus,
              kplu: plus,
              desc: actLine[desc],
              cur: actLine[cur],
              valuta: vval));
          //print("added [$res]");
          if (res.isNotValid())
            print("CSVHANDLER: error invalid jrlLine: $actLine vs $res");
        } else if (mode == "ops") {
          DateTime point = (actLine[1] != null && actLine[1].isNotEmpty)
              ? DateTime.parse(actLine[1])
              : DateTime.now();
          //print("parsing  ops $actLine");
            if (book.ops[actLine[0]] == null) {
              //print("adding op ${actLine[0]}  to ${book.name} with $actLine");
              book.ops[actLine[0]] = Operation(book,
                  name: actLine[0].trim(),
                  date: point,
                  cplus: actLine[3],
                  cminus: actLine[2],
                  desc: actLine[4].trim(),
                  cur: actLine[5].trim(),
                  valuta: actLine[6],
                  mod: actLine[7].trim());
              //print("created  op  ${actLine[0]} in book ${book.ops[actLine[0]].book.name}");
            } else {
              Operation anOp = book.ops[actLine[0]] as Operation;
                  date: point,
                  cplus: actLine[2],
                  cminus: actLine[3],
                  desc: actLine[4],
                  cur: actLine[5],
                  valuta: actLine[6],
                  mod: actLine[7]);
              //print("modified   ${book.ops[actLine[0]]}");
          //catch(e) { print("failed to parse $actLine $e"); }
  } else {
    print("book file doesn't exist");