nhost_sdk library
- ApiClient
- Provides HTTP API methods, with response deserialization.
- AuthResponse
- Describes the client's authorization state.
- AuthStore
- Interface implemented by objects responsible for persisting authentication information between restarts of an app.
- FileMetadataBase
- FunctionsClient
- HasuraAuthClient
- HasuraStorageClient
- ImageCornerRadiusBase
- ImageTransformBase
- MultiFactorAuthenticationInfo
- Describes information required to perform an MFA sign in.
- MultiFactorAuthResponse
- NhostClientBase
- PresignedUrlBase
- ServiceUrls
- Requires when constructing SDK for self-host projects
- Session
- Represents a user-authenticated session with Nhost.
- Subdomain
- Requires when construction SDK for cloud or localhost
- User
- Describes an Nhost user.
- UserSession
- Shares authentication information between service classes.
- contentTypeHeader → const String
- refreshTokenClientStorageKey → const String
- Identifies the refresh token in the HasuraAuthClient's AuthStore instance.
- refreshTokenQueryParamName → const String
- The query parameter name for the refresh token provided during OAuth provider-based sign-ins.
- AuthStateChangedCallback = void Function(AuthenticationState authenticationState)
- Signature for callbacks that respond to authentication changes.
- SessionRefreshFailedCallback = void Function(Exception error, StackTrace stackTrace)
- Signature for callbacks that respond to session refresh failures.
- TokenChangedCallback = void Function()
- Signature for callbacks that respond to token changes.
- UnsubscribeDelegate = void Function()
- Signature for functions that remove their associated callback when called.
- UploadProgressCallback = void Function(MultipartRequest request, int bytesUploaded, int bytesTotal)
- Signature for callbacks that receive the upload progress of ApiClient.postMultipart requests.
Exceptions / Errors
- ApiException
- Thrown by ApiClient to indicate a failed API call.
- NhostException
- Base class for exceptions used by the Nhost packages.