webSocketLinkForNhost function
Creates a web socket link that configures (and reconfigures) automatically
based on nhostAuth
's authentication state.
can be found at NhostClient.gqlEndpointUrl
(optional) A set of headers that will be provided in the
initial payload when opening the socket.
Link webSocketLinkForNhost(
String nhostGqlEndpointUrl,
HasuraAuthClient nhostAuth, {
Map<String, String>? defaultHeaders = const {},
@visibleForTesting ChannelGenerator? testChannelGenerator,
@visibleForTesting Duration? testInactivityTimeout,
@visibleForTesting Duration testReconnectTimeout = const Duration(seconds: 3),
}) {
final uri = Uri.parse(nhostGqlEndpointUrl);
final wsEndpointUri = uri.replace(
scheme: uri.scheme == 'https' ? 'wss' : 'ws',
WebSocketChannel? channel;
final channelGenerator = testChannelGenerator != null
? (() async => channel = await testChannelGenerator()) as ChannelGenerator
: () {
log.finest('Creating GraphQL web socket, uri=$wsEndpointUri');
return channel = WebSocketChannel.connect(
protocols: ['graphql-ws'],
// If authentication state changes, we reconnect the socket, which will also
// re-evaluate the initialPayload to provide the auth header if available.
() {
if (channel != null) {
log.finest('Reconnecting GraphQL web socket as result of token change');
channel?.sink.close(webSocketNormalCloseCode, 'Auth changed');
final webSocketLink = WebSocketLink(
/* url — provided via channelGenerator */ null,
autoReconnect: true,
channelGenerator: channelGenerator,
initialPayload: () => {
'headers': {
if (nhostAuth.authenticationState == AuthenticationState.signedIn)
'Authorization': 'Bearer ${nhostAuth.accessToken}',
inactivityTimeout: testInactivityTimeout,
reconnectInterval: testReconnectTimeout,
return webSocketLink;