nhost_gql_links library


webSocketNormalCloseCode → const int
The code sent to the server when the socket closes in order to send new authentication information.


combinedLinkForNhost(NhostClientBase nhostClient, {Map<String, String>? defaultHeaders, Client? httpClientOverride}) → Link
Creates a link that that configures automatically based on nhostClient's authentication state, and will select HTTP or Web Socket transport as appropriate.
combinedLinkForNhostAuth(String nhostGqlEndpointUrl, HasuraAuthClient nhostAuth, {Map<String, String>? defaultHeaders, Client? httpClientOverride}) → Link
Creates a link that that configures automatically based on nhostAuth's authentication state. The returned link will select HTTP or Web Socket transport as appropriate based on the GQL operation type.
httpLinkForNhost(String nhostGqlEndpointUrl, HasuraAuthClient nhostAuth, {Client? httpClientOverride, Map<String, String>? defaultHeaders = const {}}) → Link
Creates an HTTP link that configures automatically based on nhostAuth's authentication state.
webSocketLinkForNhost(String nhostGqlEndpointUrl, HasuraAuthClient nhostAuth, {Map<String, String>? defaultHeaders = const {}, ChannelGenerator? testChannelGenerator, Duration? testInactivityTimeout, Duration testReconnectTimeout = const Duration(seconds: 3)}) → Link
Creates a web socket link that configures (and reconfigures) automatically based on nhostAuth's authentication state.