combinedLinkForNhost function

Link combinedLinkForNhost(
  1. NhostClientBase nhostClient, {
  2. Map<String, String>? defaultHeaders,
  3. Client? httpClientOverride,

Creates a link that that configures automatically based on nhostClient's authentication state, and will select HTTP or Web Socket transport as appropriate.

defaultHeaders (optional) A set of headers that will be provided with all requests passing through the link.

httpClientOverride (optional) can be provided to customize the network request, such as to configure proxies, introduce interceptors, etc.


Link combinedLinkForNhost(
  NhostClientBase nhostClient, {
  Map<String, String>? defaultHeaders,
  http.Client? httpClientOverride,
}) {
  return combinedLinkForNhostAuth(
    defaultHeaders: defaultHeaders,
    httpClientOverride: httpClientOverride,