compatibility library

Additional API to be used when migrating existing code to ngtest.

It is highly recommended not to use this and only stick to ngtest.dart for any new code or for new users of this package. APIs may change at any time without adhering strictly to sem-ver.


createDynamicFixture<T extends Object>(NgTestBed<T> bed, Type type, {FutureOr<void> beforeComponentCreated(Injector)?, FutureOr<void> beforeChangeDetection(T)?}) Future<NgTestFixture<T>>
An alternative method for NgTestBed.create that allows a dynamic type.
createDynamicTestBed<T extends Object>({Element? host, InjectorFactory? rootInjector, bool watchAngularLifecycle = true}) NgTestBed<T>
An alternative factory for NgTestBed that allows not typing T.
createTestInjector(List<Object> providers) → Injector
Creates an Injector similar to creating an application with providers.
injectFromFixture<T>(NgTestFixture<void> fixture, Object tokenOrType) → T
Inject a service for tokenOrType from fixture.