createContentSymlink function

bool createContentSymlink({
  1. required bool acquisitionMode,

Creates a symlink from CertbotPaths().WWW_PATH_LIVE to the active web server content. If acquisitionMode is true then this will be the page we ship informing the user we are in acquistion mode. If we acquisitionMode is false then this will be the website's actual content. returns true if the correct link didn't exists and had to be created.


bool createContentSymlink({required bool acquisitionMode}) {
  String targetPath;
  if (acquisitionMode) {
    targetPath = CertbotPaths().wwwPathToAcquire;
  } else {
    targetPath = CertbotPaths().wwwPathToOperating;
  var created = false;

  var validTarget = false;
  var existing = false;
  // we are about to recreate the symlink to the appropriate path
  if (exists(CertbotPaths().wwwPathLive, followLinks: false)) {
    existing = true;
    if (exists(CertbotPaths().wwwPathLive)) {
      validTarget = true;

  if (validTarget) {
    if (resolveSymLink(CertbotPaths().wwwPathLive) != targetPath) {
      symlink(targetPath, CertbotPaths().wwwPathLive);
      created = true;
    // else the symlink already points at the target.
  } else {
    /// the current target is invalid so recreate the link.
    if (existing) {
    symlink(targetPath, CertbotPaths().wwwPathLive);
    created = true;
  return created;