BaseMaterialInput class

Base class for behavior that is shared between material input components.

Implemented types


BaseMaterialInput(@Self() @Optional() NgControl? _cd, ChangeDetectorRef _changeDetector, DeferredValidator validator)


ariaDescribedBy String?
Controls the aria-describedby attribute on the input element.
getter/setter pair
ariaLabel String?
no setter
bottomPanelState BottomPanelState
Controls what section of the BottomPanel is displayed.
getter/setter pair
characterCounter Function?
A custom character counter function.
no getter
checkValid ValidityCheck
getter/setter pair
disabled bool
Whether or not this input is disabled (readonly input.)
getter/setter pairoverride
displayBottomPanel bool
Whether to display error, hint text, and character counter panel.
getter/setter pair
emptyState BottomPanelState
Template accessors for the BottomPanelState
error String?
Error to be displayed.
getter/setter pair
errorMessage String?
no setter
errorMsg String?
The error msg to be shown on the input if it has more than maxCount characters.
getter/setter pair
errorRenderer ErrorFn?
A function which takes in an error map, and returns another map, replacing errors with human readable text.
getter/setter pair
errorState BottomPanelState
errorTextId String
floatingLabel bool
Whether or not the label "floats".
getter/setter pair
floatingLabelVisible bool
Whether the floating label is visible.
no setter
focusable Focusable?
no getteroverride
focused bool
Whether the input box is focused.
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
hasVisibleText bool
no setter
hintState BottomPanelState
hintText String?
The hint to be shown on the input.
getter/setter pair
inputAriaDescribedBy String
The ID of an element which should be assigned to the inner input element's aria-describedby attribute.
no getter
inputAriaLabel String?
The label to be used for assistive technologies.
getter/setter pair
inputAutocomplete String?
The autocomplete attribute for the inner input element.
getter/setter pair
inputRef HtmlElement?
The underlying input element.
no setter
inputText String
getter/setter pair
inputTextLength int
no setter
invalid bool
no setter
label String?
The label for this input.
getter/setter pair
labelAnimated bool
Whether the floating label is animated to float above the input box.
no setter
labelAnimationReset bool
Whether to reverse the animation of the label floating above.
no setter
labelVisible bool
no setter
maxCount int
Maximum allowed characters for character counting input box.
getter/setter pair
onBlur Stream<FocusEvent>
Publishes events when a blur event is fired.
no setter
onChange Stream<String?>
Publishes events when a change event is fired. (On enter, or on blur.)
no setter
onFocus Stream<FocusEvent>
Event when the element is focused.
no setterinherited
onKeypress Stream<String>
Publishes events whenever input text changes (each keypress).
no setter
required bool
Whether or not the input is required.
getter/setter pair
requiredErrorMsg String
Custom error message to show when the field is required and blank.
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
showCharacterCount bool
Display character count even if maxCount is null.
getter/setter pair
showHintOnlyOnFocus bool
Whether or not the hint text will be displayed when the input is not focused.
getter/setter pair
underlineAnimated bool
Whether underline of the input box is animated.
no setter
useNativeValidation bool
Enable native validation (e.g. for type="url").
getter/setter pair


call(AbstractControl _) Map<String, dynamic>?
focus() → void
Item/component focuses itself
handleFocus(FocusEvent event) → void
inputBlurAction(dynamic event, dynamic valid, dynamic validationMessage) → void
inputChange(dynamic newValue, dynamic valid, dynamic validationMessage) → void
inputFocusAction(dynamic event) → void
inputKeypress(dynamic newValue, dynamic valid, dynamic validationMessage) → void
msgCharacterCounter(int currentCount, int? maxCount) String
The message to display when character counter is shown.
msgCharacterCounterAriaLabel(int currentCount, int? maxCount) String
The aria label to use for the character limit label.
ngAfterViewInit() → void
ngOnDestroy() → void
Executed before the directive is removed from the DOM and destroyed.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
selectAll() → void
Selects all of the input's content.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
updateBottomPanelState() → void
updateInputTextLength() → void


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

defaultEmptyMessage String