sendCommand method

Future<Iso7816ResponseApdu> sendCommand({
  1. required int instructionClass,
  2. required int instructionCode,
  3. required int p1Parameter,
  4. required int p2Parameter,
  5. required Uint8List data,
  6. required int expectedResponseLength,

Sends the APDU to the tag.

This uses NFCISO7816Tag#sendCommand API on iOS.


Future<Iso7816ResponseApdu> sendCommand({
  required int instructionClass,
  required int instructionCode,
  required int p1Parameter,
  required int p2Parameter,
  required Uint8List data,
  required int expectedResponseLength,
}) async {
  return channel.invokeMethod('Iso7816#sendCommand', {
    'handle': _tag.handle,
    'instructionClass': instructionClass,
    'instructionCode': instructionCode,
    'p1Parameter': p1Parameter,
    'p2Parameter': p2Parameter,
    'data': data,
    'expectedResponseLength': expectedResponseLength,
  }).then((value) => $GetIso7816ResponseApdu(Map.from(value)));