nfc_manager_new_platform_interface library
- FeliCa
- The class provides access to NFCFeliCaTag API for iOS.
- FeliCaPollingResponse
- The class represents the response of the Polling command.
- FeliCaReadWithoutEncryptionResponse
- The class represents the response of the Read Without Encryption command.
- FeliCaRequestServiceV2Response
- The class represents the response of the Request Service V2 command.
- FeliCaRequestSpecificationVersionResponse
- The class represents the response of the Request Specification Version command.
- FeliCaStatusFlag
- The class represents the status flags of the command.
- Iso15693
- The class provides access to NFCISO15693Tag API for iOS.
- Iso15693SystemInfo
- The class represents the response of the Get System Info command.
- Iso7816
- The class provides access to NFCISO7816Tag API for iOS.
- Iso7816ResponseApdu
- The class represents the response APDU.
- IsoDep
- The class provides access to IsoDep API for Android.
- MiFare
- The class provides access to NFCMiFareTag API for iOS.
- MifareClassic
- The class provides access to MifareClassic API for Android.
- MifareUltralight
- The class provides access to MifareUltralight API for Android.
- NdefFormatable
- The class provides access to NdefFormatable API for Android.
- NfcA
- The class provides access to NfcA API for Android.
- NfcB
- The class provides access to NfcB API for Android.
- NfcF
- The class provides access to NfcF API for Android.
- NfcManagerNewPlatform
- NfcV
- The class provides access to NfcV API for Android.
- FeliCaPollingRequestCode
- Represents PollingRequestCode on iOS.
- FeliCaPollingTimeSlot
- Represents PollingTimeSlot on iOS.
- Iso15693RequestFlag
- Represents RequestFlag on iOS.
- MiFareFamily
- Represents NFCMiFareFamily on iOS.