computeTransformation method

  1. @override
TransformationData? computeTransformation(
  1. Particle particle,
  2. Image defaultShapes

Computes the transformation parameters for rendering particles using this shape.

The method returns a tuple containing an ui.Image, a Rect, an RSTransform, and a Color. These parameters are used by the canvas to draw the particle in the desired shape and orientation.

  • particle: The Particle instance containing properties such as size and position.
  • defaultShapes: The ui.Image representing default shape textures.

Returns a tuple (Image, Rect, RSTransform, Color) with the computed parameters.


TransformationData? computeTransformation(
  Particle particle,
  ui.Image defaultShapes,
) {
  final rect = Rect.fromLTWH(
  final transform = RSTransform.fromComponents(
    rotation: 0,
    scale: min(
      particle.size.width / Shape.defaultSpriteSize.width,
      particle.size.height / Shape.defaultSpriteSize.height,
    anchorX: Shape.defaultSpriteSize.width / 2,
    anchorY: Shape.defaultSpriteSize.height / 2,
    translateX: particle.position.dx,
    translateY: particle.position.dy,
  final color = particle.color;
  return (image: defaultShapes, rect: rect, transform: transform, color: color, blendMode: null);