The RelativisticEffectConfiguration class extends EffectConfiguration to add
additional properties for simulating relativistic effects in a particle system.
The SolidEdges class is used to specify which edges of a 2D boundary are solid, meaning that
particles or objects will interact with them as impenetrable boundaries.
The ParticleLayer enum represents different layers in which particles can be rendered
within a particle system, allowing for the creation of depth and visual separation.
The Friction extension type represents a friction coefficient, indicating how much resistance
a material or surface provides against motion. The values range from very slippery (like ice)
to extremely grippy (like duct tape).
The Restitution extension type represents a restitution value, often referred to as the "bounciness"
of a material, on a scale from 0 (no bounce) to values greater than 1 (hyper-bouncy).
Extension type Tag represents a simple wrapper around a string value that can be used
to tag or identify specific configurations, effects, or particles within the Newton system.
The Velocity extension type represents a velocity value in meters per second (m/s)
and provides various predefined constants and adjustment levels for common velocities.