netcoresync_moor library

NETCoreSync Moor Library.

A database synchronization framework where each client's local offline database (on each client's multiple devices) can be synchronized on-demand via network into a single centralized database hosted on a server.


The abstract class for performing required actions by the framework that is specific to the project's database schema, where its implementation is created during code generation.
The Moor's Row Class for NetCoreSyncKnowledges table.
The table class used by the framework to keep track of the server's timestamp.
The annotation class that needs to be assigned to table classes.
NetCoreSyncTableUser<T extends Table, D>
A helper class for the NetCoreSyncEngine class that is used in the code generation.
SyncBaseTable<T extends HasResultSet, D>
A helper abstract class to generate the synchronized version of tables that is used in the code generation.
SyncDoUpdate<T extends Table, D>
The replacement class for Moor's DoUpdate. Use this method to ensure compatibility with the synchronization process.
The class for monitoring synchronization progress.
A class to hold the active syncId (unique user id) information.
The resulted class for synchronization process invoked by the NetCoreSyncClient.netCoreSyncSynchronize() method call.
SyncUpsertClause<T extends Table, D>
A base abstract class for SyncDoUpdate and SyncUpsertMultiple classes.
SyncUpsertMultiple<T extends Table, D>
The replacement class for Moor's UpsertMultiple. Use this method to ensure compatibility with the synchronization process.


The verbosity level for the resulted logs in a synchronization process.


The main mixin class that provides the synchronization method and replacement methods for the standard Moor's method calls that is compatible with synchronization.

Exceptions / Errors

The generic type of exception that is generated by the client framework that is not covered by other specific exceptions.
This exception is raised if the client code tries to do synchronization inside a Moor's database transaction.
The client code hasn't initialized (call the netCoreSyncInitialize()) yet.
The generic type of exception that is generated by the server framework that is not covered by other specific exceptions.
This exception is raised during the start of synchronization if the server is currently synchronizing other connection with the same syncId.
This exception type will be raised for all errors related to WebSockets communcation during synchronization.
The client code tries to do database operations without setting the SyncIdInfo first.
The framework detects a database operation performed by the client code that uses unregistered table types (the class type is not annotated with NetCoreSyncTable).