Ansi8BitColor enum

8-bit ANSI supported colors on most terminals.

This eunm may be used to constrain possible colors in an API, i.e.:

void drawText(String message, {Ansi8BitColors? color}) { /* ... */ }
Available extensions


black → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Black", (0, 0, 0) in RGB.

maroon → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Maroon", (128, 0, 0) in RGB.

green → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Green", (0, 128, 0) in RGB.

olive → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Olive", (128, 128, 0) in RGB.

Represents "Navy", (0, 0, 128) in RGB.

purple → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Purple", (128, 0, 128) in RGB.

teal → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Teal", (0, 128, 128) in RGB.

silver → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Silver", (192, 192, 192) in RGB.

grey → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Grey", (128, 128, 128) in RGB.

red → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Red", (255, 0, 0) in RGB.

lime → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Lime", (0, 255, 0) in RGB.

yellow → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Yellow", (255, 255, 0) in RGB.

blue → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Blue", (0, 0, 255) in RGB.

fuchsia → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Fuchsia", (255, 0, 255) in RGB.

aqua → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Aqua", (0, 255, 255) in RGB.

white → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "White", (255, 255, 255) in RGB.

grey0 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Grey0", (0, 0, 0) in RGB.

Represents "NavyBlue", (0, 0, 95) in RGB.

darkBlue → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "DarkBlue", (0, 0, 135) in RGB.

blue3 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Blue3", (0, 0, 175) in RGB.

blue3_2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Blue3", (0, 0, 215) in RGB.

blue1 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Blue1", (0, 0, 255) in RGB.

darkGreen → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "DarkGreen", (0, 95, 0) in RGB.

deepSkyBlue4 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "DeepSkyBlue4", (0, 95, 95) in RGB.

deepSkyBlue4_2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "DeepSkyBlue4", (0, 95, 135) in RGB.

deepSkyBlue4_3 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "DeepSkyBlue4", (0, 95, 175) in RGB.

dodgerBlue3 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "DodgerBlue3", (0, 95, 215) in RGB.

dodgerBlue2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "DodgerBlue2", (0, 95, 255) in RGB.

green4 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Green4", (0, 135, 0) in RGB.

springGreen4 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "SpringGreen4", (0, 135, 95) in RGB.

turquoise4 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Turquoise4", (0, 135, 135) in RGB.

deepSkyBlue3 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "DeepSkyBlue3", (0, 135, 175) in RGB.

deepSkyBlue3_2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "DeepSkyBlue3", (0, 135, 215) in RGB.

dodgerBlue1 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "DodgerBlue1", (0, 135, 255) in RGB.

green3 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Green3", (0, 175, 0) in RGB.

springGreen3 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "SpringGreen3", (0, 175, 95) in RGB.

darkCyan → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "DarkCyan", (0, 175, 135) in RGB.

lightSeaGreen → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "LightSeaGreen", (0, 175, 175) in RGB.

deepSkyBlue2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "DeepSkyBlue2", (0, 175, 215) in RGB.

deepSkyBlue1 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "DeepSkyBlue1", (0, 175, 255) in RGB.

green3_2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Green3", (0, 215, 0) in RGB.

springGreen3_2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "SpringGreen3", (0, 215, 95) in RGB.

springGreen2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "SpringGreen2", (0, 215, 135) in RGB.

cyan3 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Cyan3", (0, 215, 175) in RGB.

darkTurquoise → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "DarkTurquoise", (0, 215, 215) in RGB.

turquoise2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Turquoise2", (0, 215, 255) in RGB.

green1 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Green1", (0, 255, 0) in RGB.

springGreen2_2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "SpringGreen2", (0, 255, 95) in RGB.

springGreen1 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "SpringGreen1", (0, 255, 135) in RGB.

mediumSpringGreen → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "MediumSpringGreen", (0, 255, 175) in RGB.

cyan2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Cyan2", (0, 255, 215) in RGB.

cyan1 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Cyan1", (0, 255, 255) in RGB.

darkRed → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "DarkRed", (95, 0, 0) in RGB.

deepPink4 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "DeepPink4", (95, 0, 95) in RGB.

purple4 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Purple4", (95, 0, 135) in RGB.

purple4_2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Purple4", (95, 0, 175) in RGB.

purple3 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Purple3", (95, 0, 215) in RGB.

blueViolet → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "BlueViolet", (95, 0, 255) in RGB.

orange4 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Orange4", (95, 95, 0) in RGB.

grey37 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Grey37", (95, 95, 95) in RGB.

mediumPurple4 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "MediumPurple4", (95, 95, 135) in RGB.

slateBlue3 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "SlateBlue3", (95, 95, 175) in RGB.

slateBlue3_2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "SlateBlue3", (95, 95, 215) in RGB.

royalBlue1 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "RoyalBlue1", (95, 95, 255) in RGB.

chartreuse4 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Chartreuse4", (95, 135, 0) in RGB.

darkSeaGreen4 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "DarkSeaGreen4", (95, 135, 95) in RGB.

paleTurquoise4 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "PaleTurquoise4", (95, 135, 135) in RGB.

steelBlue → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "SteelBlue", (95, 135, 175) in RGB.

steelBlue3 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "SteelBlue3", (95, 135, 215) in RGB.

cornflowerBlue → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "CornflowerBlue", (95, 135, 255) in RGB.

chartreuse3 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Chartreuse3", (95, 175, 0) in RGB.

darkSeaGreen4_2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "DarkSeaGreen4", (95, 175, 95) in RGB.

cadetBlue → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "CadetBlue", (95, 175, 135) in RGB.

cadetBlue_2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "CadetBlue", (95, 175, 175) in RGB.

skyBlue3 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "SkyBlue3", (95, 175, 215) in RGB.

steelBlue1 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "SteelBlue1", (95, 175, 255) in RGB.

chartreuse3_2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Chartreuse3", (95, 215, 0) in RGB.

paleGreen3 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "PaleGreen3", (95, 215, 95) in RGB.

seaGreen3 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "SeaGreen3", (95, 215, 135) in RGB.

aquamarine3 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Aquamarine3", (95, 215, 175) in RGB.

mediumTurquoise → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "MediumTurquoise", (95, 215, 215) in RGB.

steelBlue1_2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "SteelBlue1", (95, 215, 255) in RGB.

chartreuse2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Chartreuse2", (95, 255, 0) in RGB.

seaGreen2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "SeaGreen2", (95, 255, 95) in RGB.

seaGreen1 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "SeaGreen1", (95, 255, 135) in RGB.

seaGreen1_2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "SeaGreen1", (95, 255, 175) in RGB.

aquamarine1 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Aquamarine1", (95, 255, 215) in RGB.

darkSlateGray2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "DarkSlateGray2", (95, 255, 255) in RGB.

darkRed_2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "DarkRed", (135, 0, 0) in RGB.

deepPink4_2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "DeepPink4", (135, 0, 95) in RGB.

darkMagenta → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "DarkMagenta", (135, 0, 135) in RGB.

darkMagenta_2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "DarkMagenta", (135, 0, 175) in RGB.

darkViolet → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "DarkViolet", (135, 0, 215) in RGB.

purple_2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Purple", (135, 0, 255) in RGB.

orange4_2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Orange4", (135, 95, 0) in RGB.

lightPink4 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "LightPink4", (135, 95, 95) in RGB.

plum4 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Plum4", (135, 95, 135) in RGB.

mediumPurple3 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "MediumPurple3", (135, 95, 175) in RGB.

mediumPurple3_2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "MediumPurple3", (135, 95, 215) in RGB.

slateBlue1 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "SlateBlue1", (135, 95, 255) in RGB.

yellow4 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Yellow4", (135, 135, 0) in RGB.

wheat4 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Wheat4", (135, 135, 95) in RGB.

grey53 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Grey53", (135, 135, 135) in RGB.

lightSlateGrey → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "LightSlateGrey", (135, 135, 175) in RGB.

mediumPurple → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "MediumPurple", (135, 135, 215) in RGB.

lightSlateBlue → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "LightSlateBlue", (135, 135, 255) in RGB.

yellow4_2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Yellow4", (135, 175, 0) in RGB.

darkOliveGreen3 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "DarkOliveGreen3", (135, 175, 95) in RGB.

darkSeaGreen → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "DarkSeaGreen", (135, 175, 135) in RGB.

lightSkyBlue3 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "LightSkyBlue3", (135, 175, 175) in RGB.

lightSkyBlue3_2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "LightSkyBlue3", (135, 175, 215) in RGB.

skyBlue2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "SkyBlue2", (135, 175, 255) in RGB.

chartreuse2_2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Chartreuse2", (135, 215, 0) in RGB.

darkOliveGreen3_2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "DarkOliveGreen3", (135, 215, 95) in RGB.

paleGreen3_2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "PaleGreen3", (135, 215, 135) in RGB.

darkSeaGreen3 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "DarkSeaGreen3", (135, 215, 175) in RGB.

darkSlateGray3 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "DarkSlateGray3", (135, 215, 215) in RGB.

skyBlue1 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "SkyBlue1", (135, 215, 255) in RGB.

chartreuse1 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Chartreuse1", (135, 255, 0) in RGB.

lightGreen → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "LightGreen", (135, 255, 95) in RGB.

lightGreen_2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "LightGreen", (135, 255, 135) in RGB.

paleGreen1 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "PaleGreen1", (135, 255, 175) in RGB.

aquamarine1_2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Aquamarine1", (135, 255, 215) in RGB.

darkSlateGray1 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "DarkSlateGray1", (135, 255, 255) in RGB.

red3 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Red3", (175, 0, 0) in RGB.

deepPink4_3 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "DeepPink4", (175, 0, 95) in RGB.

mediumVioletRed → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "MediumVioletRed", (175, 0, 135) in RGB.

magenta3 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Magenta3", (175, 0, 175) in RGB.

darkViolet_2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "DarkViolet", (175, 0, 215) in RGB.

purple_3 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Purple", (175, 0, 255) in RGB.

darkOrange3 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "DarkOrange3", (175, 95, 0) in RGB.

indianRed → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "IndianRed", (175, 95, 95) in RGB.

hotPink3 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "HotPink3", (175, 95, 135) in RGB.

mediumOrchid3 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "MediumOrchid3", (175, 95, 175) in RGB.

mediumOrchid → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "MediumOrchid", (175, 95, 215) in RGB.

mediumPurple2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "MediumPurple2", (175, 95, 255) in RGB.

darkGoldenrod → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "DarkGoldenrod", (175, 135, 0) in RGB.

lightSalmon3 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "LightSalmon3", (175, 135, 95) in RGB.

rosyBrown → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "RosyBrown", (175, 135, 135) in RGB.

grey63 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Grey63", (175, 135, 175) in RGB.

mediumPurple2_2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "MediumPurple2", (175, 135, 215) in RGB.

mediumPurple1 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "MediumPurple1", (175, 135, 255) in RGB.

gold3 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Gold3", (175, 175, 0) in RGB.

darkKhaki → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "DarkKhaki", (175, 175, 95) in RGB.

Represents "NavajoWhite3", (175, 175, 135) in RGB.

grey69 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Grey69", (175, 175, 175) in RGB.

lightSteelBlue3 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "LightSteelBlue3", (175, 175, 215) in RGB.

lightSteelBlue → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "LightSteelBlue", (175, 175, 255) in RGB.

yellow3 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Yellow3", (175, 215, 0) in RGB.

darkOliveGreen3_3 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "DarkOliveGreen3", (175, 215, 95) in RGB.

darkSeaGreen3_2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "DarkSeaGreen3", (175, 215, 135) in RGB.

darkSeaGreen2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "DarkSeaGreen2", (175, 215, 175) in RGB.

lightCyan3 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "LightCyan3", (175, 215, 215) in RGB.

lightSkyBlue1 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "LightSkyBlue1", (175, 215, 255) in RGB.

greenYellow → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "GreenYellow", (175, 255, 0) in RGB.

darkOliveGreen2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "DarkOliveGreen2", (175, 255, 95) in RGB.

paleGreen1_2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "PaleGreen1", (175, 255, 135) in RGB.

darkSeaGreen2_2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "DarkSeaGreen2", (175, 255, 175) in RGB.

darkSeaGreen1 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "DarkSeaGreen1", (175, 255, 215) in RGB.

paleTurquoise1 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "PaleTurquoise1", (175, 255, 255) in RGB.

red3_2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Red3", (215, 0, 0) in RGB.

deepPink3 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "DeepPink3", (215, 0, 95) in RGB.

deepPink3_2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "DeepPink3", (215, 0, 135) in RGB.

magenta3_2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Magenta3", (215, 0, 175) in RGB.

magenta3_3 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Magenta3", (215, 0, 215) in RGB.

magenta2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Magenta2", (215, 0, 255) in RGB.

darkOrange3_2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "DarkOrange3", (215, 95, 0) in RGB.

indianRed_2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "IndianRed", (215, 95, 95) in RGB.

hotPink3_2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "HotPink3", (215, 95, 135) in RGB.

hotPink2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "HotPink2", (215, 95, 175) in RGB.

orchid → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Orchid", (215, 95, 215) in RGB.

mediumOrchid1 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "MediumOrchid1", (215, 95, 255) in RGB.

orange3 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Orange3", (215, 135, 0) in RGB.

lightSalmon3_2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "LightSalmon3", (215, 135, 95) in RGB.

lightPink3 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "LightPink3", (215, 135, 135) in RGB.

pink3 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Pink3", (215, 135, 175) in RGB.

plum3 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Plum3", (215, 135, 215) in RGB.

violet → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Violet", (215, 135, 255) in RGB.

gold3_2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Gold3", (215, 175, 0) in RGB.

lightGoldenrod3 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "LightGoldenrod3", (215, 175, 95) in RGB.

tan → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Tan", (215, 175, 135) in RGB.

mistyRose3 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "MistyRose3", (215, 175, 175) in RGB.

thistle3 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Thistle3", (215, 175, 215) in RGB.

plum2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Plum2", (215, 175, 255) in RGB.

yellow3_2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Yellow3", (215, 215, 0) in RGB.

khaki3 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Khaki3", (215, 215, 95) in RGB.

lightGoldenrod2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "LightGoldenrod2", (215, 215, 135) in RGB.

lightYellow3 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "LightYellow3", (215, 215, 175) in RGB.

grey84 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Grey84", (215, 215, 215) in RGB.

lightSteelBlue1 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "LightSteelBlue1", (215, 215, 255) in RGB.

yellow2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Yellow2", (215, 255, 0) in RGB.

darkOliveGreen1 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "DarkOliveGreen1", (215, 255, 95) in RGB.

darkOliveGreen1_2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "DarkOliveGreen1", (215, 255, 135) in RGB.

darkSeaGreen1_2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "DarkSeaGreen1", (215, 255, 175) in RGB.

honeydew2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Honeydew2", (215, 255, 215) in RGB.

lightCyan1 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "LightCyan1", (215, 255, 255) in RGB.

red1 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Red1", (255, 0, 0) in RGB.

deepPink2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "DeepPink2", (255, 0, 95) in RGB.

deepPink1 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "DeepPink1", (255, 0, 135) in RGB.

deepPink1_2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "DeepPink1", (255, 0, 175) in RGB.

magenta2_2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Magenta2", (255, 0, 215) in RGB.

magenta1 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Magenta1", (255, 0, 255) in RGB.

orangeRed1 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "OrangeRed1", (255, 95, 0) in RGB.

indianRed1 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "IndianRed1", (255, 95, 95) in RGB.

indianRed1_2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "IndianRed1", (255, 95, 135) in RGB.

hotPink → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "HotPink", (255, 95, 175) in RGB.

hotPink_2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "HotPink", (255, 95, 215) in RGB.

mediumOrchid1_2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "MediumOrchid1", (255, 95, 255) in RGB.

darkOrange → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "DarkOrange", (255, 135, 0) in RGB.

salmon1 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Salmon1", (255, 135, 95) in RGB.

lightCoral → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "LightCoral", (255, 135, 135) in RGB.

paleVioletRed1 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "PaleVioletRed1", (255, 135, 175) in RGB.

orchid2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Orchid2", (255, 135, 215) in RGB.

orchid1 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Orchid1", (255, 135, 255) in RGB.

orange1 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Orange1", (255, 175, 0) in RGB.

sandyBrown → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "SandyBrown", (255, 175, 95) in RGB.

lightSalmon1 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "LightSalmon1", (255, 175, 135) in RGB.

lightPink1 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "LightPink1", (255, 175, 175) in RGB.

pink1 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Pink1", (255, 175, 215) in RGB.

plum1 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Plum1", (255, 175, 255) in RGB.

gold1 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Gold1", (255, 215, 0) in RGB.

lightGoldenrod2_2 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "LightGoldenrod2", (255, 215, 95) in RGB.

lightGoldenrod2_3 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "LightGoldenrod2", (255, 215, 135) in RGB.

Represents "NavajoWhite1", (255, 215, 175) in RGB.

mistyRose1 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "MistyRose1", (255, 215, 215) in RGB.

thistle1 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Thistle1", (255, 215, 255) in RGB.

yellow1 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Yellow1", (255, 255, 0) in RGB.

lightGoldenrod1 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "LightGoldenrod1", (255, 255, 95) in RGB.

khaki1 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Khaki1", (255, 255, 135) in RGB.

wheat1 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Wheat1", (255, 255, 175) in RGB.

cornsilk1 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Cornsilk1", (255, 255, 215) in RGB.

grey100 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Grey100", (255, 255, 255) in RGB.

grey3 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Grey3", (8, 8, 8) in RGB.

grey7 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Grey7", (18, 18, 18) in RGB.

grey11 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Grey11", (28, 28, 28) in RGB.

grey15 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Grey15", (38, 38, 38) in RGB.

grey19 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Grey19", (48, 48, 48) in RGB.

grey23 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Grey23", (58, 58, 58) in RGB.

grey27 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Grey27", (68, 68, 68) in RGB.

grey30 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Grey30", (78, 78, 78) in RGB.

grey35 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Grey35", (88, 88, 88) in RGB.

grey39 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Grey39", (98, 98, 98) in RGB.

grey42 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Grey42", (108, 108, 108) in RGB.

grey46 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Grey46", (118, 118, 118) in RGB.

grey50 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Grey50", (128, 128, 128) in RGB.

grey54 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Grey54", (138, 138, 138) in RGB.

grey58 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Grey58", (148, 148, 148) in RGB.

grey62 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Grey62", (158, 158, 158) in RGB.

grey66 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Grey66", (168, 168, 168) in RGB.

grey70 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Grey70", (178, 178, 178) in RGB.

grey74 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Grey74", (188, 188, 188) in RGB.

grey78 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Grey78", (198, 198, 198) in RGB.

grey82 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Grey82", (208, 208, 208) in RGB.

grey85 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Grey85", (218, 218, 218) in RGB.

grey89 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Grey89", (228, 228, 228) in RGB.

grey93 → const Ansi8BitColor

Represents "Grey93", (238, 238, 238) in RGB.


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
index int
A numeric identifier for the enumerated value.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


values → const List<Ansi8BitColor>
A constant List of the values in this enum, in order of their declaration.