generateWithChatGPT function

Future<String> generateWithChatGPT({
  1. required String prompt,
  2. String promptPrefix = 'Tune this',
  3. bool shortReply = false,
  4. bool testWithoutKey = false,
  5. required ChatGPTModuleStrings gptModuleStrings,

Generates a response using the ChatGPT API based on the provided prompt.


  • prompt: The input prompt for generating a response.
  • shortReply: If true, it will generate a 1-2 line reply. Default is false.
  • testWithoutKey: If true, it will provide a static test response without using the actual API key. Default is false.
  • forceEnableDebug: If true, debug logs will be printed on the debug console. Default is false.

Returns the generated answer. Throws an error message if the response is empty or an error occurs.


Future<String> generateWithChatGPT({
  required String prompt,
  final String promptPrefix = 'Tune this',
  bool shortReply = false,
  bool testWithoutKey = false,
  required ChatGPTModuleStrings gptModuleStrings,
}) async {
  if (testWithoutKey) {
    //=========================================For Test Without Api==============================================
    ChatGPTAnswerResponseModel gptAnsResModel =
      "id": "cmpl-6biNrkL5FlEhzIoGojdKPiRG6ZGN3",
      "object": "text_completion",
      "created": 1674446767,
      "model": chatGPTConfigGlobal.chatGPTModel,
      "choices": [
          "index": 0,
          "message": {
            "role": "assistant",
                "I am ChatGPT, a large language model trained by OpenAI, based on the GPT-4 architecture."
          "logprobs": null,
          "finish_reason": "stop"
      "usage": {"prompt_tokens": 7, "completion_tokens": 61, "total_tokens": 68}

    if (forceEnableDebug) {
      log('GPT ANSWER MODEL.VALUE.ID: ${}');

    await 3.seconds.delay;
    if (gptAnsResModel.choices.isNotEmpty &&
        gptAnsResModel.choices.first.message.content.isNotEmpty) {
      if (forceEnableDebug) {
        log('GPT ANSWER  ${gptAnsResModel.choices.first.message.content}');
      return gptAnsResModel.choices.first.message.content.trim();
    } else {
      throw gptModuleStrings.noDataFromChatGPT;
  } else {
    Map<String, String> header = {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
      'Authorization': 'Bearer $chatGPTAPIkey'

    if (forceEnableDebug) log('CHAT GPT API HEADER: $header');

    Map<String, dynamic> jsonBodyData = chatGPTConfigGlobal.request ??
          "model": chatGPTConfigGlobal.chatGPTModel,
          "messages": [
              "role": "system",
              "content": "You are a helpful assistant.",
              "role": "user",
                  "$promptPrefix $prompt${shortReply ? ", Please reply in 1-2 line only" : ""}",
          "temperature": chatGPTConfigGlobal.temperature,
          "max_tokens": chatGPTConfigGlobal.maxTokens,
          "top_p": chatGPTConfigGlobal.topP,
          "frequency_penalty": chatGPTConfigGlobal.frequencyPenalty,
          "presence_penalty": chatGPTConfigGlobal.presencePenalty,

    if (forceEnableDebug) {
      log('CHAT GPT API JSON BODY DATA: ${chatGPTConfigGlobal.request ?? jsonBodyData}');

    if (prompt.isNotEmpty) {
      try {
        var response = await
            body: json.encode(jsonBodyData),
            headers: header);

        var jsonResponse = json.decode(response.body);

        if (forceEnableDebug) {
          log('getAnswerChatGPTApi JSON RESPONSE: $jsonResponse');

        if (response.statusCode == HttpStatus.ok) {
          ChatGPTAnswerResponseModel gptAnsResModel =

          if (forceEnableDebug) {
            log('GPT ANSWER MODEL.VALUE.ID: ${}');

          if (gptAnsResModel.choices.isNotEmpty &&
              gptAnsResModel.choices.first.message.content.isNotEmpty) {
            if (forceEnableDebug) {
              log('GPT ANSWER  ${gptAnsResModel.choices.first.message.content}');
            return gptAnsResModel.choices.first.message.content.trim();
          } else {
            throw gptModuleStrings.noDataFromChatGPT;
        } else {
          throw "${gptModuleStrings.errorCode}: ${response.statusCode} ${response.reasonPhrase.validate()}";
      } catch (e) {
        if (forceEnableDebug) log('getAnswerChatGPT  E: $e');
        throw "${gptModuleStrings.chatGPTFunctionError}: ${e.toString()}";
    } else {
      throw gptModuleStrings.pleaseEnterSomeText;