crop method

Future<Uint8List> crop({
  1. ImageFormat format = ImageFormat.jpg,

Performs the actual cropping by calling the corresponding NativeImageCropper method. You can additionally set the ImageFormat for compression, defaults to ImageFormat.jpg.


Future<Uint8List> crop({ImageFormat format = ImageFormat.jpg}) {
  if ((cropRect, imageRect, imageSize, bytes)
      case (
        final Rect cropRect,
        final Rect imageRect,
        final Size imageSize,
        final Uint8List bytes,
      )) {
    final x = (cropRect.left / imageRect.width * imageSize.width).toInt();
    final y = ( / imageRect.height * imageSize.height).toInt();
    final width = cropSize.width.toInt();
    final height = cropSize.height.toInt();

    return switch (modeNotifier.value) {
      CropMode.oval => NativeImageCropper.cropOval(
          bytes: bytes,
          x: x,
          y: y,
          width: width,
          height: height,
          format: format,
      CropMode.rect => NativeImageCropper.cropRect(
          bytes: bytes,
          x: x,
          y: y,
          width: width,
          height: height,
          format: format,

  throw const NativeImageCropperException(
    'Bytes, crop rect, image rect or image size are not initialized!',