nations library

Let the people use there languages 💪


  • to load lang files from 'assets/lang/'
  • AppLang
    facilitate controlling the localization process
  • listen and rebuild when locale changes
  • LangConfig
    contains the localization config
    initialize nations package
    An identifier used to select a user's language and formatting preferences.
  • to load lang files from 'assets/lang/'
  • NationsLoader
  • loads translation form assets or any source
  • extend it to build you custom loader if none of the existing
  • fits your needs
  • PackageAssetsLoader
  • to load lang files from 'assets/lang/'
  • PrefsLauncher
    nations base class


  • model gender enum
  • Extensions

    NationsLocaleX on Locale
    helper extension for the locale features
    NationsTrans on String
    string translation extension


    capitalizeFirstChar(String str) → String
    takes foo return Foo takes foo bar return Foo bar
    capitalizeFirstCharForEachWord(String str) → String
    takes foo return Foo takes foo bar return Foo Bar takes foo bar zee return Foo Bar Zee
    convertToArabicNumbers(String str) → String
    arabic numbers are 0123456789 convert numbers to arabic format 0123456789 becomes ٠١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩
    convertToHindiNumbers(String str) → String
    arabic numbers are ٠١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩
    numberToLocale(String str, Locale locale) → String
    localize numbers base on locale if none provided it will use the app locale Nations.locale Make sure you know the difference between arabic and hindi numbers
    replaceArgsOf(String data, Map<String, Object?> args) → String
  • replace args of map
  • in your assets the arg must starts with : to be identified as variable
  • to replace it