attic/a_n_files_fetch library


timingInHoursBeforeRefresh int
getter/setter pair


checkPrefs() Future<bool>
getListOfAmendements({required Directory mainDirectory}) Future<List<AmendementFromJson>>
Get the Amendements JSON files in designated directory and convert to AmendementFromJson:
getListOfDeputes({String pathToDeputes = "", required Directory mainDirectory, bool forceRefresh = false}) Future<List<DeputesFromCsv>>
If needed, download the CSV Excel-format from National Assembly open data. In any case, convert downloaded data :
getListOfDossiersLegislatifs({required Directory mainDirectory}) Future<List<DossierLegislatifFromJson>>
Get the Dossiers Legislatifs JSON files in designated directory and convert to DossierLegislatifFromJson:
getListOfProjetsLois({required Directory mainDirectory}) Future<List<ProjetLoiFromJson>>
Get the Projets Lois JSON files in designated directory and convert to ProjetLoiFromJson:
getListOfVotes({required Directory mainDirectory}) Future<List<ScrutinFromJson>>
Get the Scrutin JSON files in designated directory and convert to ScrutinFromJson:
getUpdatedDatasFromAssembly({String pathToDossiers = "", String pathToVotes = "", String pathToAmendements = "", required Directory destinationDirectory, bool forceRefresh = false}) Future<bool>
Download the ZIP archives from National Assembly open data and extract in designated directory :
updatePrefs() → void