Note class final

A musical note.

See also:

Implemented types
  • @immutable


Note(BaseNote baseNote, [Accidental accidental = Accidental.natural])
Creates a new Note from baseNote and accidental.
Note.parse(String source)
Parse source as a Note and return its value.


accidental Accidental
The accidental that modifies the baseNote.
augmentedTriad Chord<Note>
The ChordPattern.augmentedTriad on this Note.
no setter
baseNote BaseNote
The base note that defines this Note.
circleOfFifthsDistance int
The distance in relation to the circle of fifths.
no setter
diminishedTriad Chord<Note>
The ChordPattern.diminishedTriad on this Note.
no setter
flat Note
This Note flattened by 1 semitone.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setteroverride
major Key
The TonalMode.major Key from this Note.
no setter
majorTriad Chord<Note>
The ChordPattern.majorTriad on this Note.
no setter
minor Key
The TonalMode.minor Key from this Note.
no setter
minorTriad Chord<Note>
The ChordPattern.minorTriad on this Note.
no setter
natural Note
This Note without an accidental (natural).
no setter
respelledDownwards Note
This Note respelled downwards while keeping the same number of semitones.
no setter
respelledSimple Note
This Note with the simplest Accidental spelling while keeping the same number of semitones.
no setter
respelledUpwards Note
This Note respelled upwards while keeping the same number of semitones.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
semitones int
The semitones distance of this Note relative to Note.c.
no setter
sharp Note
This Note sharpened by 1 semitone.
no setter


circleOfFifths({int distance = chromaticDivisions ~/ 2}) → ({List<Note> flats, List<Note> sharps})
The circle of fifths starting from this Note up to distance.
compareTo(Note other) int
Compares this object to another object.
difference(Note other) int
The difference in semitones between this Note and other.
fifthsDistanceWith(Note other) int
The fifths distance between this Note and other.
flatCircleOfFifths({int distance = chromaticDivisions ~/ 2}) List<Note>
The flattened version of circleOfFifths from this Note up to distance.
inOctave(int octave) Pitch
This Note positioned in the given octave as a Pitch.
interval(Note other) Interval
The Interval between this Note and other.
isEnharmonicWith(ClassMixin<PitchClass> other) bool
Whether Class is enharmonically equivalent to other.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
respellByAccidental(Accidental accidental) Note?
This Note respelled by accidental while keeping the same number of semitones.
respellByBaseNote(BaseNote baseNote) Note
This Note respelled by baseNote while keeping the same number of semitones.
respellByBaseNoteDistance(int distance) Note
This Note respelled by BaseNote.ordinal distance while keeping the same number of semitones.
toClass() PitchClass
Creates a new PitchClass from semitones.
toPitchClass() PitchClass
Creates a new PitchClass from semitones.
toString({NoteNotation system = NoteNotation.english}) String
The string representation of this Note based on system.
transposeBy(Interval interval) Note
Transposes this Note by interval.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

compareByClosestDistance(Note a, Note b) int
Comparator for Notes by closest distance.
compareByFifthsDistance(Note a, Note b) int
Comparator for Notes by fifths distance.


a → const Note
Note A.
b → const Note
Note B.
c → const Note
Note C.
d → const Note
Note D.
e → const Note
Note E.
f → const Note
Note F.
g → const Note
Note G.