St extension



isNullOrBlank bool
Retorna true caso a string seja nula ou vazia
no setter
isNullOrEmpty bool
Check if string is null or empty
no setter


firstWord() String?
Return firt word from string
lastWord() String?
Return last word from string
lowerCaseFirst() String?
Leave the first letter of the word in lower case, and the rest as it was.
toDate(String format, {DateTime? defaultDate}) DateTime?
Convert string to dateTime, if fail, returns defaultDate or null
toDouble({double defaultValue = 0.0}) double
Convert to double or defaultValue
toDoubleOrNull() double?
Convert to double or null
toInt({int defaultValue = 0}) int
Convert to int or defaultValue
toIntOrNull() int?
Convert to int or null
upperCaseFirst() String?
Deixa a primeira letra da palavra em maiusculo, e o restantante como estava
upperCaseFirstLower() String?
Make the first letter of the word uppercase and the rest lowercase.