MqttDisconnectReasonCode enum

MQTT reason code

A Reason Code is a one byte unsigned value that indicates the result of an operation. Reason codes less than 0x80 indicate successful completion of an operation. The normal Reason Code for success is 0. Reason Code values of 0x80 or greater indicate failure. Disconnect processing reason codes.





normalDisconnection → const MqttDisconnectReasonCode

Close the connection normally. Do not send the will message.

disconnectWithWillMessage → const MqttDisconnectReasonCode

The client wishes to disconnect but requires that the broker also publishes its will message.

unspecifiedError → const MqttDisconnectReasonCode

The connection is closed but the sender either does not wish to reveal the reason, or none of the other reason codes apply.

malformedPacket → const MqttDisconnectReasonCode

The received packet does not conform to this specification.

protocolError → const MqttDisconnectReasonCode

An unexpected or out of order packet was received.

implementationSpecificError → const MqttDisconnectReasonCode

The message received is valid but cannot be processed by this implementation.

notAuthorized → const MqttDisconnectReasonCode

The request is not authorized.

serverBusy → const MqttDisconnectReasonCode

The broker is busy and cannot continue processing requests from this client.

serverShuttingDown → const MqttDisconnectReasonCode

The broker is shutting down.

keepAliveTimeout → const MqttDisconnectReasonCode

The connection is closed because no packet has been received for 1.5 times the keep alive time.

sessionTakenOver → const MqttDisconnectReasonCode

Another connection using the same client ID has connected causing this connection to be closed.

topicFilterInvalid → const MqttDisconnectReasonCode

The topic filter is correctly formed, but is not accepted by this broker.

topicNameInvalid → const MqttDisconnectReasonCode

The topic name is correctly formed, but is not accepted by this client or broker.

receiveMaximumExceeded → const MqttDisconnectReasonCode

The client or broker has received more than receive maximum publication for which it has not sent a publish acnowlwdge or publish complete message.

topicAliasInvalid → const MqttDisconnectReasonCode

The client or broker has received a publish message containing a topic alias which is greater than the maximum topic alias it sent in the connect or connect acknowledge message.

packetTooLarge → const MqttDisconnectReasonCode

The packet(message) size is greater than maximum message size for this client or broker.

messageRateTooHigh → const MqttDisconnectReasonCode

The received data rate is too high.

quotaExceeded → const MqttDisconnectReasonCode

An implementation or administrative imposed limit has been exceeded.

administrativeAction → const MqttDisconnectReasonCode

The Connection is closed due to an administrative action.

payloadFormatInvalid → const MqttDisconnectReasonCode

The payload format does not match the one specified by the payload format indicator.

retainNotSupported → const MqttDisconnectReasonCode

The broker does not support retained messages.

qosNotSupported → const MqttDisconnectReasonCode

The client specified a QoS greater than the QoS specified in a maximum QoS in the connection acknowledge message.

useAnotherServer → const MqttDisconnectReasonCode

The client should temporarily change its broker.

serverMoved → const MqttDisconnectReasonCode

The broker is moved and the client should permanently change its broker location.

sharedSubscriptionsNotSupported → const MqttDisconnectReasonCode

The broker does not support shared subscriptions.

connectionRateExceeded → const MqttDisconnectReasonCode

This connection is closed because the connection rate is too high.

maximumConnectTime → const MqttDisconnectReasonCode

The maximum connection time authorized for this connection has been exceeded.

subscriptionIdentifiersNotSupported → const MqttDisconnectReasonCode

The broker does not support subscription identifiers; the subscription is not accepted.

wildcardSubscriptionsNotSupported → const MqttDisconnectReasonCode

The broker does not support Wildcard Subscriptions; the subscription is not accepted.

notSet → const MqttDisconnectReasonCode

Not set indication, not part of the MQTT specification, used by the client to indicate a field has not yet been set.


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
index int
A numeric identifier for the enumerated value.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


values → const List<MqttDisconnectReasonCode>
A constant List of the values in this enum, in order of their declaration.