MoYoungBle class


Constructs a singleton instance of MoYoungBle.


abortWatchFace Future<void>
no setter
abortWatchFaceBackground Future<void>
no setter
batterySavingEveStm Stream<bool>
Sets the battery storage listener, the result is returned through the data stream, and saved in "event".
no setter
bleScanEveStm Stream<BleScanBean>
Clicking the scan button will trigger the scan event listener stream bleScanEveStm, and the scan result will be returned through the bleScanEveStm listener stream and stored in the event as a BleScanEvent object.
no setter
bloodOxygenEveStm Stream<BloodOxygenBean>
Sets blood oxygen listener.
no setter
bloodPressureEveStm Stream<BloodPressureBean>
Sets blood pressure listener
no setter
calendarEventEveStem Stream<CalendarEventBean>
no setter
callNumberEveStm Stream<String>
no setter
cameraEveStm Stream<CameraBean>
Long press the watch photo interface to trigger the camera's camera command.
no setter
cancelScan Future<void>
Turn off the bluetooth scan, and the result listens to the callback through the bleScanEveStm data stream.
no setter
checkBluetoothEnable Future<bool>
no setter
checkSupportQuickContact Future<ContactConfigBean>
Check support contacts.
no setter
clearCalendarEvent Future<void>
no setter
clearPillReminder Future<void>
Clear pill reminder.
no setter
closeGatt Future<bool>
no setter
closePlayerControl Future<void>
Close Music Control
no setter
connStateEveStm Stream<ConnectStateBean>
Gets the watch's Mac address by scanning the received CRPScanDevice. Click the Bluetooth connection to connect the device, and the Bluetooth connection monitoring will be triggered at the same time. Monitor connection and callback status via the connStateEveStm data stream. The result is saved in "event". It is recommended to add an appropriate delay when disconnecting and reconnecting, so that the system can recover resources and ensure the connection success rate.
no setter
contactAvatarEveStm Stream<FileTransBean>
Sets monitoring of contacts with avatars
no setter
contactEveStm Stream<ContactListenBean>
Sets up a contact listener, and the result is returned via the data stream contactEveStm and stored in "event".
no setter
deviceBatteryEveStm Stream<DeviceBatteryBean>
Sets the watch battery monitoring stream connDeviceBatteryEveStm to return data about the watch battery.
no setter
deviceRssiEveStm Stream<int>
Sets RSSI listening
no setter
disableContinueBloodOxygen Future<void>
Disable continue blood oxygen.
no setter
disableContinueBloodPressure Future<void>
Disable continue blood pressure
no setter
disableContinueTemp Future<void>
no setter
disableDrinkWaterReminder Future<void>
Disable water reminder.
no setter
disableHandWashingReminder Future<void>
Disable hand washing reminder.
no setter
disableTimingMeasureBloodOxygen Future<void>
Disable timing measure blood oxygen.
no setter
disableTimingMeasureHeartRate Future<void>
The query timing measures the heart rate on state.
no setter
disableTimingMeasureTemp Future<void>
Disable timing temperature measurement.
no setter
disableTimingStress Future<void>
no setter
disconnect Future<bool>
Disconnected watch,disconnect returns true.
no setter
ecgEveStm Stream<EcgBean>
Sets the ECG monitor and get the return value through connLazyEgcEveStm.
no setter
enableContinueBloodOxygen Future<void>
Enable continue blood oxygen.
no setter
enableContinueBloodPressure Future<void>
Enable continue blood pressure
no setter
enableContinueTemp Future<void>
no setter
enableHsOta Future<void>
no setter
enableTimingMeasureTemp Future<void>
When the chronograph measurement is turned on, the watch automatically measures the temperature every half an hour.
no setter
enableTimingStress Future<void>
no setter
endCall Future<void>
When the watch receives a push of a phone type message, the watch will vibrate for a fixed time. Call this interface to stop the watch from vibrating when the watch answers the call or hangs up the call.
no setter
enterCameraView Future<void>
Enable camera view.
no setter
exitCameraView Future<void>
Exit camera view.
no setter
fileTransEveStm Stream<FileTransBean>
Monitor the process of sending the dial background.
no setter
findDevice Future<void>
Find the watch, the watch will vibrate for a few seconds after receiving this command.
no setter
findPhoneEveStm Stream<FindPhoneBean>
no setter
getNotification Future<NotificationBean>
Gets other push notifications
no setter
getProtocolVersion Future<String>
Gets the protocol version.
no setter
gpsChangeEveStm Stream<int>
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
heartRateEveStm Stream<HeartRateBean>
Sets blood pressure listener
no setter
isNewECGMeasurementVersion Future<bool>
In the new measurement mode, the watch can save the last unsent measurement result; the old version does not.
no setter
jieliAbortOTA Future<void>
no setter
newHrvEveStm Stream<HrvHandlerBean>
no setter
oTAEveStm Stream<OTABean>
Monitoring of firmware version updates。
no setter
phoneEveStm Stream<int>
Sets phone listener
no setter
queryAllNewAlarm Future<AlarmBean>
no setter
queryAvailableStorage Future<int>
no setter
queryBatterySaving Future<void>
The query result will be obtained through the batterySavingEveStm monitoring stream and saved in the event field.
no setter
queryBreathingLight Future<bool>
Gets the status of the breathing light.
no setter
queryBrightness Future<BrightnessBean>
Gets brightness.
no setter
queryBtAddress Future<String>
Classic Bluetooth address.
no setter
queryCalendarEventReminderTime Future<void>
no setter
queryContactCount Future<int>
Gets current contacts count.
no setter
queryContactNumberSymbol Future<bool>
no setter
queryContinueBloodOxygenState Future<void>
The measurement results are monitored through the bloodOxygenEveStm data stream, and the value is stored in BloodOxygenBean.continueState.
no setter
queryContinueBloodPressureState Future<void>
The measurement results are monitored through the bloodPressureEveStmdata stream, and the value is stored in BloodPressureBean.continueState.
no setter
queryContinueTempState Future<void>
no setter
queryCustomizeVersion Future<String>
no setter
queryDailyGoals Future<DailyGoalsInfoBean>
Querying Daily Goals.
no setter
queryDeviceBattery Future<void>
Gets the current battery of the watch. When the battery level of the watch exceeds 100, it means the watch is charging.
no setter
queryDeviceLanguage Future<DeviceLanguageBean>
Gets the language that the watch is using and the list of languages supported by the watch.
no setter
queryDeviceOtaStatus Future<int>
Watch OTA status.
no setter
queryDeviceVersion Future<int>
no setter
queryDisplayTime Future<int>
Gets display time.
no setter
queryDisplayWatchFace Future<int>
Gets the type that the watch face is currently using.
no setter
queryDoNotDisturbTime Future<PeriodTimeResultBean>
Check if do not disturb the time set by the watch.
no setter
queryDrinkWaterReminderPeriod Future<DrinkWaterPeriodBean>
Gets drinking reminder
no setter
queryElectronicCardCount Future<ElectronicCardCountInfoBean>
no setter
queryFirmwareVersion Future<String>
Gets the current firmware version of the watch.
no setter
queryGoalSleepTime Future<void>
no setter
queryGoalsRemindState Future<GoalsRemindStateBean>
Querying goals remind state.
no setter
queryGoalSteps Future<int>
Gets the target number of steps set in the watch.
no setter
queryHandWashingReminderPeriod Future<HandWashingPeriodBean>
Gets hand washing reminder.
no setter
queryHistoryBloodOxygen Future<void>
The measurement results are monitored through the bloodOxygenEveStm data stream, and the value is stored in BloodOxygenBean.historyList.
no setter
queryHistoryBloodPressure Future<void>
The measurement results are monitored through the bloodPressureEveStmdata stream, and the value is stored in BloodPressureBean.historyBPList.
no setter
queryHistoryGps Future<void>
no setter
queryHistoryHeartRate Future<void>
To query the historical heart rate, the query result will be obtained through the heartRateEveStm monitoring stream and saved in the HeartRateBean.historyHRList field.
no setter
queryHistoryNewHrv Future<void>
no setter
queryHistoryStress Future<void>
no setter
queryHistoryTraining Future<void>
Gets the training records stored in the watch. The query result will be obtained through trainingEveStm listening stream and saved in the historyTrainList field.
no setter
queryHsOtaAddress Future<String>
no setter
queryJieliWatchFaceInfo Future<JieliWatchFaceBean>
no setter
queryLast24HourBloodOxygen Future<void>
The measurement results are monitored through the bloodOxygenEveStm data stream, and the value is stored in BloodOxygenBean.continueBO.
no setter
queryLast24HourBloodPressure Future<void>
The measurement results are monitored through the bloodPressureEveStmdata stream, and the value is stored in BloodPressureBean.historyBPList.
no setter
queryLast24HourTemp Future<void>
no setter
queryLastMeasureECGData Future<void>
Gets the ECG data saved by the watch, monitor the data stream through lazyEcgEveStm, and save the value in EgcBean.ints
no setter
queryMaxHeartRate Future<MaxHeartRateBean>
Gets the status of the wristband heart rate alarm and the value of the heart rate alarm.
no setter
queryMenstrualCycle Future<MenstrualCycleBean>
Gets physiological cycle reminder
no setter
queryMessageList Future<List<int>>
no setter
queryOtaType Future<int>
no setter
queryOtherMessageState Future<bool>
no setter
queryPillReminder Future<PillReminderCallback>
Gets support pill reminder.
no setter
queryQuickView Future<bool>
Gets the quick view state of the device.
no setter
queryQuickViewTime Future<PeriodTimeResultBean>
Gets the effective time for quick view
no setter
queryRemSleep Future<void>
added rem sleep state
no setter
querySedentaryReminder Future<bool>
Gets sedentary reminder status
no setter
querySedentaryReminderPeriod Future<SedentaryReminderPeriodBean>
Gets the watch for sedentary reminder valid period.
no setter
querySleep Future<void>
Query detailed data for a training. The query result will be obtained through the sleepChangeEveStm listening stream and saved in the SleepBean.sleepInfo field
no setter
querySteps Future<void>
Gets today's step count data. The query result will be obtained through the stepsChangeEveStm listening stream and saved in the StepChangeBean.stepInfo field.
no setter
querySupportCalendarEvent Future<void>
no setter
querySupportNewHrv Future<void>
no setter
querySupportStress Future<void>
no setter
querySupportWatchFace Future<SupportWatchFaceBean>
When the watch switches dials, it needs to query the type supported by the dial.
no setter
queryTempUnit Future<void>
Gets temperature system.
no setter
queryTimeSystem Future<int>
Gets the time system of the watch.
no setter
queryTimingBloodOxygenMeasureState Future<void>
The measurement results are monitored through the bloodOxygenEveStm data stream, and the value is stored in BloodOxygenBean.timingMeasure.
no setter
queryTimingMeasureHeartRate Future<int>
The query timing measures the heart rate on state.
no setter
queryTimingMeasureTempState Future<String>
Gets the timing of temperature measurement status.
no setter
queryTimingStressState Future<void>
no setter
queryTrainingDay Future<TrainingDayInfoBean>
Check Exercise Day.
no setter
queryTrainingDayGoals Future<DailyGoalsInfoBean>
Look up workout day goals.
no setter
queryTrainingHeartRate Future<void>
Some watchs support heart rate measurement in a variety of motion modes. The measurements include other motion-related data such as heart rate and calories. This interface is used to obtain data such as calories. The watch can save the last three sports data. Supporting 24-hour continuous measurement of the watch, the exercise heart rate can be obtained from the 24-hour heart rate data according to the movement up time; other watch exercise heart rate and dynamic heart rate acquisition methods are consistent.
no setter
queryUnitSystem Future<int>
Gets the unit system.
no setter
queryUUID Future<String>
no setter
queryVibrationStrength Future<VibrationStrength>
no setter
queryWakeState Future<bool>
Gets whether it is in the wake-up state. If the result is true, it means that it is in the awake state, otherwise, it is not awake.
no setter
queryWatchFaceLayout Future<WatchFaceLayoutBean>
Gets the watchface layout.
no setter
readDeviceRssi Future<void>
Read the real-time RSSI value of the watch. The query result will be obtained through the deviceRssiEveStm listening stream and saved in the "event" field.
no setter
reconnect Future<void>
no setter
reset Future<void>
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
sendGsensorCalibration Future<void>
no setter
shutDown Future<void>
The watch is turned off.
no setter
sleepChangeEveStm Stream<SleepBean>
Set up a sleep monitor sleepChangeEveStm, and save the returned value in "event" with the value of the SleepBean object.
no setter
sosChangeEveStm Stream
no setter
startECGMeasure Future<void>
Start to measure the ECG, the ECG measurement time is 30 seconds, and the user needs to touch the left and right electrodes of the watch with both hands. The value is obtained by listening to the lazyEcgEveStm data stream, and the value is saved in EgcBean.ints
no setter
startFindPhone Future<void>
When receiving a callback to find the bracelet phone, the app vibrates and plays a ringtone reminder.
no setter
startMeasureBloodOxygen Future<void>
Measuring blood oxygen.
no setter
startMeasureBloodPressure Future<void>
Measuring blood pressure
no setter
startMeasureNewHrv Future<void>
no setter
startMeasureOnceHeartRate Future<void>
Start measuring a single heart rate, the query result will be obtained through the heartRateEveStm listening stream and saved in the HeartRateBean.onceMeasureComplete field.
no setter
startMeasureStress Future<void>
no setter
startMeasureTemp Future<void>
Start measuring once temperature.
no setter
stepsChangeEveStm Stream<StepsChangeBean>
Sets a step change listener stepChangeEveStm, the result is returned through the data stream, and saved in "event" as the StepChangeBean object.
no setter
stepsDetailEveStm Stream<StepsDetailBean>
Set a step category listener stepsDetailEveStm, and the result is returned through the data stream and saved in the "event" as the StepsDetailBean object.
no setter
stopECGMeasure Future<void>
Stop measuring ECG.
no setter
stopFindPhone Future<void>
When the user retrieves the phone, the vibrate and ringtone reminder ends, returning to the watch with this command
no setter
stopMeasureBloodOxygen Future<void>
When the blood oxygen measurement is stopped, if the measurement time is too short, there will be no measurement results. The measurement results are monitored through the bloodOxygenEveStm data stream, and the value is stored in BloodOxygenBean.bloodOxygen.
no setter
stopMeasureBloodPressure Future<void>
Stop measuring blood pressure, too short a measurement time will result in no measurement results. The measurement results are monitored through the bloodPressureEveStm data stream, and the returned high and low pressure values are stored in BloodPressureBean.bloodPressureChange and BloodOxygenBean.bloodPressureChange1, respectively.
no setter
stopMeasureNewHrv Future<void>
no setter
stopMeasureOnceHeartRate Future<void>
End a once measurement. A measurement time that is too short will result in no measurement data.
no setter
stopMeasureStress Future<void>
no setter
stopMeasureTemp Future<void>
Stop measuring once temperature.
no setter
stressEveStm Stream<StressHandlerBean>
no setter
subscribeDeviceBattery Future<void>
When the battery of the watch changes, the result is returned through the data stream deviceBatteryEveStmand saved in the subscribe field in "event".
no setter
tempChangeEveStm Stream<TempChangeBean>
Sets the monitoring of body temperature measurement results to return the corresponding data of body temperature.
no setter
trainingEveStm Stream<TrainBean>
Set up a training listener, the results are returned through the data stream, and saved in "event".
no setter
trainingStateEveStm Stream<int>
Modify the training state on the bracelet, and obtain the current measurement state by monitoring the data stream movementStateEveStm.
no setter
weatherChangeEveStm Stream<WeatherChangeBean>
Sets up a weather listener weatherChangeEveStm, and the update result of the weather state is returned through the data stream and saved in the "event".
no setter
wfFileTransEveStm Stream<FileTransBean>
no setter


abortOTA(int oTAType) Future<void>
Abort method
checkFirmwareVersion(FirmwareVersion info) Future<CheckFirmwareVersionBean>
Gets the latest version information.
clearContact() Future<void>
Clearing all contacts
connect(ConnectBean connectBean) Future<void>
Gets the watch's Mac address by scanning the received CRPScanDevice. Click the Bluetooth connection to connect the device, and the Bluetooth connection monitoring will be triggered at the same time. Monitor connection and callback status via the connStateEveStm data stream. The result is saved in "event". It is recommended to add an appropriate delay when disconnecting and reconnecting, so that the system can recover resources and ensure the connection success rate.
connectDevice(ConnectDeviceBean connectDeviceBean) Future<void>
createBond(List<int> keys) Future<int>
deleteAllNewAlarm() Future<void>
deleteCalendarEvent(int id) Future<void>
deleteContact(int index) Future<void>
Delete contact information based on contact index.
deleteContactAvatar(int index) Future<void>
Delete contact avatar information based on contact index.
deleteElectronicCard(int id) Future<void>
deleteNewAlarm(int id) Future<void>
deletePillReminder(int id) Future<void>
Delete pill reminder.
deleteWatchFace(int id) Future<void>
enableDrinkWaterReminder(DrinkWaterPeriodBean drinkWaterPeriodInfo) Future<void>
Enable drinking reminder.
enableHandWashingReminder(HandWashingPeriodBean info) Future<void>
Enable hand washing reminder
enableIncomingNumber(bool enableIncoming) Future<bool>
enableTimingMeasureBloodOxygen(int interval) Future<void>
measure period = interval * 5 (mins).
enableTimingMeasureHeartRate(int interval) Future<void>
The watch supports 24-hour timed measurement of heart rate, starting from 00:00, you can set the measurement interval, the time interval is a multiple of 5 minutes.
isConnected(String address) Future<bool>
Gets the current status of the watch's successful connection according to the watch's mac address.
jieliStartOTA(String pathname) Future<void>
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
queryActionDetails(int actionDetailsType) Future<void>
queryAverageHeartRate(int startTime, int endTime, List list) Future<int>
queryCalendarEvent(int id) Future<void>
queryElectronicCard(int id) Future<ElectronicCardInfoBean>
queryGpsDetail(int seconds) Future<void>
queryHistorySleep(int historyTimeType) Future<void>
Gets the sleep data of a certain day. The query result will be obtained through the sleepChangeEveStm listening stream and saved in the SleepBean.past field and the SleepBean.pastSleepInfo field.
queryHistorySteps(int historyTimeType) Future<void>
1.The watch can save the number of activity steps in the past three days, and can query the number of activity steps in a certain day. 2.Query the activity steps data in a certain day. The query result will be obtained through the trainingEveStm listening stream and saved in the trainingInfo.past field and trainingInfo.pastStepInfo field.
queryLastDynamicRate(String type) Future<void>
Gets the last measured heart rate record saved by the watch. The query result will be obtained through the heartRateEveStm listening stream and saved in the HeartRateBean.measuring field.
queryPastHeartRate(int historyDay) Future<void>
Gets the heart rate data of the previous day. The query result will be obtained through the heartRateEveStm listening stream and saved in the HeartRateBean.hour24MeasureResult field.
queryStepsDetail(int stepsDetailDateType) Future<void>
Some watches support categorical statistics for the past two days. Query classification statistics for the past two days. The query result will be obtained through the stepsDetailEveStm listening stream and saved in "event" as the StepsDetailBean object.
queryTime([int? timestamp]) Future<void>
Synchronize the time of your phone and watch.
queryTimingBloodOxygen(String bloodOxygenTimeType) Future<void>
The measurement results are monitored through the bloodOxygenEveStm data stream, and the value is stored in BloodOxygenBean.continueBO.
queryTimingMeasureTemp(String tempTimeType) Future<void>
Gets timed temperature measurement results
queryTimingStress(String stressDate) Future<void>
queryTodayHeartRate(int heartRateType) Future<void>
Query today's measured heart rate value. The query result will be obtained through the heartRateEveStm listening stream and saved in the HeartRateBean.hour24MeasureResult field.
queryTraining(int id) Future<void>
Gets detailed data for a training. The query result will be obtained through the trainingEveStm listening stream and saved in the trainingInfo field.
queryWatchFaceDetail(WatchFaceStoreTypeBean watchFaceStoreType) Future<WatchFaceDetailResultBean>
queryWatchFaceOfID(int id) Future<WatchFaceIdBean>
Gets the watchface information of the watchface ID.
queryWatchFaceStore(WatchFaceStoreBean watchFaceStoreBean) Future<List<WatchFaceBean>>
Gets the list of available watch faces by way of paging query.
queryWatchFaceStoreList(WatchFaceStoreListBean watchFaceStoreList) Future<List<WatchFaceBean>>
queryWatchFaceStoreTagList(WatchFaceStoreTagListBean watchFaceStoreTagList) Future<WatchFaceStoreTagListResult>
sendBatterySaving(bool enable) Future<void>
Sets battery saving state.
sendBreathingLight(bool breathingLight) Future<void>
Sets the breathing light.
sendBrightness(int brightness) Future<void>
Sets brightness.
sendCalendarEvent(CalendarEventInfoBean calenderEventInfo) Future<void>
sendCalendarEventReminderTime(CalendarEventReminderTimeBean calendarEventReminderTime) Future<void>
sendCallContactName(String name) Future<void>
sendContact(ContactBean info) Future<void>
Sets the contact, the result is obtained through contactEveStm.
sendContactAvatar(ContactBean info) Future<void>
Sets the contact avatar, the result is obtained through contactAvatarEveStm.
sendCurrentVolume(int volume) Future<void>
Sets max volume
sendDailyGoals(DailyGoalsInfoBean dailyGoals) Future<void>
Daily goals are to set daily target values.
sendDelayTaking(int delayTime) Future<void>
sendDeviceLanguage(int language) Future<void>
Sets the language of the watch. When setting the language, the language version will be set. Simplified Chinese is set to the Chinese version, and non-simplified Chinese is set to the international version.
sendDisplayTime(int time) Future<void>
Sets display time.
sendDisplayWatchFace(int watchFaceType) Future<void>
The watch supports a variety of different watchfaces, which can be switched freely. Send watchface type,Parameters provided by WatchFaceType.
sendDoNotDisturbTime(PeriodTimeBean periodTimeInfo) Future<void>
The watch supports the Do Not Disturb period. Do not display message push and sedentary reminders during the time.
sendECGHeartRate(int heartRate) Future<void>
Using the measured data, the instantaneous heart rate is calculated through the ECG algorithm library and sent to the watch.
sendElectronicCard(ElectronicCardInfoBean electronicCardInfo) Future<void>
sendElectronicCardList(List idList) Future<void>
sendFutureWeather(FutureWeatherListBean futureWeathersBean) Future<void>
Sets the weather for the next 7 days to the watch.
sendGoalSleepTime(int minutes) Future<void>
sendGoalsRemindState(GoalsRemindStateBean goalsRemindStateBean) Future<void>
Set up goals remind state.
sendGoalSteps(int goalSteps) Future<void>
Push the user's target step number to the watch. When the number of activity steps on the day reaches the target number of steps, the watch will remind you to reach the target.
sendLocalCity(String city) Future<void>
sets local city.
sendLyrics(String lyrics) Future<void>
Sets lyrics
sendMaxVolume(int volume) Future<void>
Sets Current volumed
sendMenstrualCycle(MenstrualCycleBean info) Future<void>
Sets the menstrual cycle reminder
sendMessage(MessageBean messageInfo) Future<void>
Send various types of message content to the watch.
sendNewAlarm(AlarmClockBean alarmClockInfo) Future<void>
The watch supports three alarm clocks, and the alarm clock information can be set according to the alarm clock serial number. Single alarm clock supports setting date. Gets all alarm clock information saved by the watch.
sendOtherMessageState(bool state) Future<void>
sendPillReminder(PillReminderBean info) Future<void>
Sets pill reminder.
sendQuickView(bool quickViewState) Future<void>
Turns the quick view on or off.
sendQuickViewTime(PeriodTimeBean periodTimeInfo) Future<void>
The watch supports setting the effective time period for turning the wrist and turning on the screen, and it is only valid when turning the wrist and turning on the screen within the set time period.
sendSedentaryReminder(bool sedentaryReminder) Future<void>
Turn sedentary reminders on or off.
sendSedentaryReminderPeriod(SedentaryReminderPeriodBean sedentaryReminderPeriodInfo) Future<void>
Sets the effective period of sedentary reminder.
sendSongTitle(String title) Future<void>
Sets song name
sendStepLength(int stepLength) Future<void>
In the watch firmware 1.6.6 and above, you can set the step length to the watch to calculate the activity data more accurately.
sendTempUnit(int temp) Future<void>
Sets temperature system.
sendTimeSystem(int timeSystemType) Future<void>
Sets the system time of the watch.
sendTodayWeather(TodayWeatherBean todayWeatherInfo) Future<void>
Set the watch's weather for today.
sendTrainingDayGoals(DailyGoalsInfoBean dailyGoals) Future<void>
Set workout day goals.
sendTrainingDays(TrainingDayInfoBean trainingDay) Future<void>
Set up a workout Day.
sendUnitSystem(int unitSystemType) Future<void>
The watch supports setting the time system to metric and imperial
sendUserInfo(UserBean userInfo) Future<void>
Sets the user's personal information to the watch.
sendVibrationStrength(int value) Future<void>
sendWakeState(bool enable) Future<void>
Sets tap to wake state.
sendWatchFace(SendWatchFaceBean sendWatchFaceBean) Future<void>
Send the watchface file of the new watchface to the watch, during which the watch will restart.
sendWatchFaceBackground(WatchFaceBackgroundBean watchFaceBackgroundInfo) Future<void>
The dial of the 1.3-inch color screen supports the replacement of the background image with a picture size of 240 * 240 px. Compressed indicates whether the picture needs to be compressed (the watch with the master control of 52840 does not support compression and is fixed to false); timeout indicates the timeout period, in seconds. The progress is called back by _blePlugin.lazyFileTransEveStm.listen.
sendWatchFaceId(int id) Future<void>
sendWatchFaceLayout(WatchFaceLayoutBean watchFaceLayoutInfo) Future<void>
Sets the watchface layout
setECGChangeListener(String ecgMeasureType) Future<void>
Add ECG listening event.
setMaxHeartRate(MaxHeartRateBean maxHeartRateBean) Future<void>
Sets the heart rate alarm value
setNotification(List<int> list) Future<void>
Sets up other push notifications
setPlayerState(int musicPlayer) Future<void>
Sets player state
setTrainingState(int training) Future<void>
Sets training state
sifliStartOTA(String upgradeFilePath) Future<void>
startOTA(OtaBean otaBean) Future<void>
The way to upgrade
startScan(int scanPeriod) Future<bool>
When scanning Bluetooth devices, it will first obtain the open status of Bluetooth, and only when the permission is allowed and the Bluetooth is turned on can start normal scanning.
startTraining(int type) Future<void>
Start training
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
uploadLocalFile(String filePath) Future<bool>


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.