extensions/moye_extensions library


set of useful extensions that would lessen the development time and allow you to focus on making new features rather than implementing them This is used to setup the static values that are used within the package


MoyeAlignWidgetExtension on Widget
Extensions about aligning widgets on screen
MoyeContextExtension on BuildContext
An extension for a context
MoyeFitWidgetExtension on Widget
Extension about fitting widgets
MoyeNumberExtension on num
extension of the num to contain more useful helper methods and getters
MoyeStateExtension on State<StatefulWidget>
An extension to access different variables of a state more easily
MoyeTextStyleExtension on TextStyle?
Extension for text styles to make everything easier
MoyeWidgetExtension on Widget
NullSafetyExtension on T
Extensions to make null safety easier to deal with


AlsoInvokableFunction<T> = dynamic Function(T it)
LetInvokableFunction<R, T> = R Function(T it)