SchemaDocumentExt extension Extensions

SchemaDocumentExt is an extension on the SchemaDocument class which provides a useful suite of methods to manage user generated data.



fetch(String cid) Future<SchemaDocument?>
Fetches the SchemaDocument from the current accounts application-specific data store using the provided cid. The account then decrypts the data and its values are returned as a SchemaDocument. A succesful transaction will return a SchemaDocument.
get<T>(String name) → T?
Returns the provided T value from the SchemaDocument for the given name of the field, or null if the field does not exist.
getList<T>(String name) List<T>?
Returns the provided T value from the SchemaDocument for the given name as a List of T values, or null if the field does not exist.
set<T>(String name, T value) → T?
Sets the provided T value to the SchemaDocument for the given name of the field. Returns true if the field was found and set, false otherwise.
setList<T>(String name, List<T> value) List<T>?
Sets the provided T value to the SchemaDocument for the given name of the field as a List. Returns true if the field was found and set, false otherwise. If the field does not exist, it will be created.
upload({String? creator}) Future<UploadDocumentResponse?>
Uploads the SchemaDocument to the current accounts application-specific data store. The account then encrypts the data and effectively becomes the only entity to be able to view the values. A succesful transaction will return a UploadDocumentResponse.