core/core library


Helper class to assist in printing text to the console with a color.
Helper class to assist in printing text to the console with a color.
Splits a String into a list of command-line argument parts. e.g. "command -p param" -> "command", "-p", "param"
Implementation for the _find function.
Holds details of a file system entity returned by the find function.
Base class for functions that return some type of Progres.
Returned from the which funtion to provide the details we discovered about appname.
Search resutls from the which method.


StringExtension on String


capturePrinterrKey → const String
This class is highly experimental - use at your own risk. It is designed to capture any output to print or printerr within the scope of the callback. Key to the overloading printerr function. Key to the overloading printerr function.


black(String text, {AnsiColor background = AnsiColor.white, bool bold = true}) String
Wraps the passed text with the ANSI escape sequence for the color red. Use this to control the color of text when printing to the console.
blue(String text, {AnsiColor background = AnsiColor.none, bool bold = true}) String
Wraps the passed text with the ANSI escape sequence for the color red. Use this to control the color of text when printing to the console.
copy(String from, String to, {bool overwrite = false}) → void
copyTree(String from, String to, {bool overwrite = false, bool filter(String file) = _allowAll, bool includeHidden = false, bool recursive = true}) → void
createDir(String path, {required bool recursive}) String
cyan(String text, {AnsiColor background = AnsiColor.none, bool bold = true}) String
Wraps the passed text with the ANSI escape sequence for the color red. Use this to control the color of text when printing to the console.
delete(String path) → void
deleteDir(String path, {bool recursive = true}) → void
exists(String path, {bool followLinks = true}) bool
checks if the given path exists.
find(String pattern, {bool caseSensitive = false, bool recursive = true, bool includeHidden = false, String workingDirectory = '.', List<FileSystemEntityType> types = const [Find.file]}) FindProgress
findCore(String pattern, {required ProgressCallback progress, bool caseSensitive = false, bool recursive = true, bool includeHidden = false, String workingDirectory = '.', List<FileSystemEntityType> types = const [Find.file]}) → void
Returns the list of files in the current and child directories that match the passed glob pattern.
green(String text, {AnsiColor background = AnsiColor.none, bool bold = true}) String
Wraps the passed text with the ANSI escape sequence for the color red. Use this to control the color of text when printing to the console.
grey(String text, {double level = 0.5, AnsiColor background = AnsiColor.none, bool bold = true}) String
Wraps the passed text with the ANSI escape sequence for the color red. Use this to control the color of text when printing to the console.
isDirectory(String path) bool
true if the given path is a directory.
magenta(String text, {AnsiColor background = AnsiColor.none, bool bold = true}) String
Wraps the passed text with the ANSI escape sequence for the color red. Use this to control the color of text when printing to the console.
move(String from, String to, {bool overwrite = false}) → void
moveDir(String from, String to) Future<void>
orange(String text, {AnsiColor background = AnsiColor.none, bool bold = true}) String
Wraps the passed text with the ANSI escape sequence for the color red. Use this to control the color of text when printing to the console.
printerr(String? line) → void
printerr provides the equivalent functionality to the standard Dart print function but instead writes the output to stderr rather than stdout.
read(String path) List<String>
red(String text, {AnsiColor background = AnsiColor.none, bool bold = true}) String
Wraps the passed text with the ANSI escape sequence for the color red. Use this to control the color of text when printing to the console.
replace(String path, Pattern existing, String replacement, {bool all = false}) int
touch(String path, {bool create = false}) String
truepath(String part1, [String? part2, String? part3, String? part4, String? part5, String? part6, String? part7]) String
which(String appname, {bool first = true, bool verbose = false, bool extensionSearch = true, void progress(WhichSearch)?}) Which
Searches the PATH for the location of the application give by appname.
white(String text, {AnsiColor background = AnsiColor.none, bool bold = true}) String
Wraps the passed text with the ANSI escape sequence for the color red. Use this to control the color of text when printing to the console.
yellow(String text, {AnsiColor background = AnsiColor.none, bool bold = true}) String
Wraps the passed text with the ANSI escape sequence for the color red. Use this to control the color of text when printing to the console.


CancelableLineAction = bool Function(String line)
Typedef for cancellable LineActions.
CaptureZonePrintErr = void Function(String?)
callback used when overloadin printerr in a DCliZone.
LineAction = void Function(String line)
Typedef for LineActions
ProgressCallback = bool Function(FindItem item)