more_functions library


getCharAt(String string, int index) String
charAt() returns character at that specific index of the given string, without leading and trailing whitespace.
getCharAtIsLowerCase(String string, int index) bool
getCharAtIsLowerCase check if character at that specific index of the given string is lowercase.
getCharAtIsUpperCase(String string, int index) bool
getCharAtIsUpperCase check if character at that specific index of the given string is uppercase.
getFirstChar(String string) String
firstChar() returns the first character of the given string, without leading and trailing whitespace.
getFirstIsLowerCase(String string) bool
getFirstIsLowerCase check if the first character of the given string is lowercase.
getFirstIsUpperCase(String string) bool
getFirstIsUpperCase check if the first character of the given string is uppercase.
getFirstToLowerCase(String string, {bool allWords = false}) String
getFirstToLowerCase makes minuscule the first character of the given string.
getFirstToUpperCase(String string, {bool allWords = false}) String
getFirstToUpperCase capitalize the first character of the given string.
getIsLowerCase(String string) bool
getIsLowerCase check if the entire characters of the given string is lowercase.
getIsUpperCase(String string) bool
getIsUpperCase check if the entire characters of the given string is uppercase.
getLastChar(String string) String
lastChar() returns the last character of the given string, without leading and trailing whitespace.
getLastCharIndex(String string) int
getLastCharIndex returns the index of the last character of given string, without leading and trailing whitespace counting.
getLastIsLowerCase(String string) bool
getLastIsLowerCase check if the last character of the given string is lowercase.
getLastIsUpperCase(String string) bool
getLastIsUpperCase check if the last character of the given string is uppercase.
getLastToLowerCase(String string, {bool allWords = false}) String
getLastToLowerCase makes minuscule the last character of the given string.
getLastToUpperCase(String string, {bool allWords = false}) String
getLastToUpperCase capitalize the last character of the given string.
getLowerCamelCase(String string, {bool attached = false, String betweenWords = ''}) String
getLowerCamelCase makes minuscule the first word character and capitalize the first character of the next words.
getLowerSnakeCase(String string) String
getLowerSnakeCase make minuscule all characters and replace whitespaces with underscore '_'.
getUpperCamelCase(String string, {bool attached = false, String betweenWords = ''}) String
getUpperCamelCase capitalize the first character words of the given string.
getUpperSnakeCase(String string) String
getUpperSnakeCase capitalize the all characters and replace whitespaces with underscore '_'.