initialize mop miniprogram engine.
sdkkey is required. it can be getted from
secret is required. it can be getted from
apiServer is optional. the mop server address. default is https://mp.finogeek.comapiPrefix is optional. the mop server prefix. default is /api/v1/mop
cryptType is optional. cryptType, should be MD5/SM
disablePermission is optional.
encryptServerData 是否对服务器数据进行加密,需要服务器支持
userId 用户id
finStoreConfigs 多服务配置
uiConfig UI配置
debug 设置debug模式,影响调试和日志
customWebViewUserAgent 设置自定义webview ua
appletIntervalUpdateLimit 设置小程序批量更新周期
maxRunningApplet 设置最大同时运行小程序个数
open the miniprogram appId from the mop server.
appId is required.
path is miniprogram open path. example /pages/index/index
query is miniprogram query parameters. example key1=value1&key2=value2
sequence is miniprogram sequence. example 0,1.2.3,4,5...
apiServer is optional. the mop server address. default is https://mp.finogeek.comsceneshareDepthisSingleProcess