DateTimeExpressions extension

Provides expressions to extract information from date time values, or to calculate the difference between datetimes.



date Expression<String?>
Formats this datetime in the format year-month-day.
no setter
day Expression<int?>
Extracts the (UTC) day from this datetime expression.
no setter
hour Expression<int?>
Extracts the (UTC) hour from this datetime expression.
no setter
minute Expression<int?>
Extracts the (UTC) minute from this datetime expression.
no setter
month Expression<int?>
Extracts the (UTC) month from this datetime expression.
no setter
second Expression<int?>
Extracts the (UTC) second from this datetime expression.
no setter
secondsSinceEpoch Expression<int>
Returns an expression containing the amount of seconds from the unix epoch (January 1st, 1970) to this datetime expression. The datetime is assumed to be in utc.
no setter
year Expression<int?>
Extracts the (UTC) year from this datetime expression.
no setter


operator +(Duration duration) Expression<DateTime>
Adds duration from this date.
operator -(Duration duration) Expression<DateTime>
Subtracts duration from this date.