ArithmeticBigIntExpr<DT extends BigInt?> extension

Defines the -, * and / operators on sql expressions that support it.



abs() Expression<DT>
Calculates the absolute value of this number.
roundToInt() Expression<int?>
Rounds this expression to the nearest integer.


operator *(Expression<DT> other) Expression<DT>
Performs a multiplication (this * other) in sql.
operator +(Expression<DT> other) Expression<DT>
Performs an addition (this + other) in sql.
operator -(Expression<DT> other) Expression<DT>
Performs a subtraction (this - other) in sql.
operator /(Expression<DT> other) Expression<DT>
Performs a division (this / other) in sql.
operator unary-() Expression<DT>
Returns the negation of this value.