getEndpointsForSelection method

List<TextSelectionPoint> getEndpointsForSelection(
  1. TextSelection selection

Returns the local coordinates of the endpoints of the given selection.

If the selection is collapsed (and therefore occupies a single point), the returned list is of length one. Otherwise, the selection is not collapsed and the returned list is of length two.

See also:


List<TextSelectionPoint> getEndpointsForSelection(TextSelection selection) {

  final paintOffset = _paintOffset;

  final boxes = selection.isCollapsed
      ? <Rect>[]
      : _textPainter.getBoxesForSelection(selection);
  if (boxes.isEmpty) {
    final caretOffset =
        _textPainter.getOffsetForCaret(selection.extent, _caretPrototype);
    final start = Offset(preferredLineWidth, 0.0) + caretOffset + paintOffset;
    return <TextSelectionPoint>[TextSelectionPoint(start, TextDirection.ltr)];
  } else {
    final start = Offset(boxes.first.left, + paintOffset;
    final end = Offset(boxes.last.right, boxes.last.bottom) + paintOffset;
    return <TextSelectionPoint>[
      TextSelectionPoint(start, TextDirection.ltr),
      TextSelectionPoint(end, TextDirection.ltr),