SelectorBuilder class




hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
map Map<String, dynamic>
getter/setter pair
paramFields Map<String, Object>
no setter
paramLimit int
getter/setter pair
paramSkip int
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


all(String fieldName, List values) SelectorBuilder
and(SelectorBuilder other) SelectorBuilder
Combine current expression with expression in parameter. See MongoDB doc SelectorBuilder provides implicit and operator for chained queries so these two expression will produce identical MongoDB queries
clone() SelectorBuilder
comment(String commentStr) SelectorBuilder
eq(String fieldName, dynamic value) SelectorBuilder
excludeFields(List<String> fields) SelectorBuilder
exists(String fieldName) SelectorBuilder
explain() SelectorBuilder
fields(List<String> fields) SelectorBuilder
geoIntersects(String fieldName, Geometry coordinate) SelectorBuilder
geoWithin(String fieldName, ShapeOperator shape) SelectorBuilder
Only support $geometry shape operator Available ShapeOperator instances: Box , Center, CenterSphere, Geometry
getQueryString() String
gt(String fieldName, dynamic value) SelectorBuilder
gte(String fieldName, dynamic value) SelectorBuilder
hint(String fieldName, {bool descending = false}) SelectorBuilder
hintIndex(String indexName) SelectorBuilder
id(ObjectId value) SelectorBuilder
inRange(String fieldName, dynamic min, dynamic max, {bool minInclude = true, bool maxInclude = false}) SelectorBuilder
jsQuery(String javaScriptCode) SelectorBuilder
limit(int limit) SelectorBuilder
lt(String fieldName, dynamic value) SelectorBuilder
lte(String fieldName, dynamic value) SelectorBuilder
match(String fieldName, String pattern, {bool? multiLine, bool? caseInsensitive, bool? dotAll, bool? extended, bool escapePattern = false}) SelectorBuilder
metaTextScore(String fieldName) SelectorBuilder
mod(String fieldName, int value) SelectorBuilder
ne(String fieldName, dynamic value) SelectorBuilder
near(String fieldName, dynamic value, [double? maxDistance]) SelectorBuilder
nearSphere(String fieldName, Geometry point, {double? maxDistance, double? minDistance}) SelectorBuilder
Only support geometry of point
nin(String fieldName, List values) SelectorBuilder
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
notExists(String fieldName) SelectorBuilder
oneFrom(String fieldName, List values) SelectorBuilder
or(SelectorBuilder other) SelectorBuilder
Combine current expression with expression in parameter by logical operator OR. See MongoDB doc For example inventory.find(where.eq('price', 1.99).and('qty',20).or(where.eq('sale', true))));
raw(Map<String, dynamic> rawSelector) SelectorBuilder
returnKey() SelectorBuilder
showDiskLoc() SelectorBuilder
skip(int skip) SelectorBuilder
snapshot() SelectorBuilder
sortBy(String fieldName, {bool descending = false}) SelectorBuilder
sortByMetaTextScore(String fieldName) SelectorBuilder
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
within(String fieldName, dynamic value) SelectorBuilder


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

objectIdRegexp RegExp

Static Methods

copyWith(SelectorBuilder other) SelectorBuilder
Copy to new instance