Money.parse constructor

  1. String amount, {
  2. required String isoCode,
  3. String? pattern,
  4. int? decimalDigits,


Parses the passed amount and returns a Money instance.

The passed amount must match the given pattern or if no pattern is supplied the the default pattern of the currency indicated by the isoCode. The S and C characters in the pattern are optional.

See format for details on how to construct a pattern.

Throws an MoneyParseException if the amount doesn't match the pattern.

If the number of decimals in amount exceeds the Currency's decimalDigits then excess digits will be ignored.

isoCode - the currency isoCode of the amount. This must be either one of the CommonCurrencies or a currency you have registered via Currencies.register.

Throws an UnknownCurrencyException if the isoCode is not a registered isoCode.


/// Parses the passed [amount] and returns a [Money] instance.
/// The passed [amount] must match the given [pattern] or
/// if no pattern is supplied the the default pattern of the
/// currency indicated by the [isoCode]. The S and C characters
/// in the pattern are optional.
/// See [format] for details on how to construct a [pattern].
/// Throws an MoneyParseException if the [amount] doesn't
/// match the pattern.
/// If the number of decimals in [amount] exceeds the [Currency]'s
/// decimalDigits then excess digits will be ignored.
/// [isoCode] - the currency isoCode of the [amount]. This must be either one
/// of the [CommonCurrencies] or a currency you have
/// registered via [Currencies.register].
/// Throws an [UnknownCurrencyException] if the [isoCode] is not a registered
/// isoCode.
factory Money.parse(String amount,
    {required String isoCode, String? pattern, int? decimalDigits}) {
  if (amount.isEmpty) {
    throw MoneyParseException('Empty amount passed.');

  final currency = Currencies().find(isoCode);
  if (currency == null) {
    throw UnknownCurrencyException(isoCode);

  try {
    return Money.parseWithCurrency(amount, currency,
        decimalDigits: decimalDigits, pattern: pattern);
    // ignore: avoid_catches_without_on_clauses
  } catch (e) {
    throw MoneyParseException(e.toString());