format method

String format(
  1. String pattern

Provides a simple means of formating a Money instance as a string.

pattern supports the following characters

  • S outputs the currencies symbol e.g. $.
  • C outputs part of the currency symbol e.g. USD. You can specify 1,2 or 3 C's
    • C - U
    • CC - US
    • CCC - USD - outputs the full currency isoCode regardless of length.
  • # denotes a digit.
  • 0 denotes a digit and with the addition of defining leading and trailing zeros.
  • , (comma) a placeholder for the grouping separtor
  • . (period) a place holder fo rthe decimal separator

Note: even if you use the groupSeparator or decimalSeparator to use alternate separators the pattern must still use ',' and '.' for the group and decimal separators respectively. This method allows a single pattern to be used by multiple currencies.


Currency aud = Currency.create('AUD', 2, pattern:r'$0.00');
Money costPrice = Money.fromInt(1000, aud);
> $10.00

Money taxInclusive = costPrice * 1.1;
> $11.00

> $AUD11.00

> $AUD11


String format(String pattern) => encodedBy(PatternEncoder(this, pattern));