monarch_io_utils library


Runs a process non-interactively to completion. It exposes the process output through convinience getters.


defaultPumps → const int


functionForPlatform<T>({required T macos(), required T windows(), T linux()?}) → T
futureForPlatform<T>({required Future<T> macos(), required Future<T> windows(), Future<T> linux()?}) Future<T>
getPrettyCommand(String executable, List<String> arguments) String
hardWrap(String string, {int lineLength = 80}) String
"Hard wraps" the string on or after the lineLength. It only replaces white spaces with new lines.
isUserDirectoryValid() bool
pumpEventQueue({int times = defaultPumps}) Future
Returns a Future that completes after the event loop has run the given number of times (20 by default).
valueForPlatform<T>({required T macos, required T windows, T? linux}) → T
whileTrue(bool isTrue(), {int times = defaultPumps}) Future
Returns a Future that completes when the function isTrue returns false. If the function isTrue returns true, this function will pump the event queue a number of times and then call isTrue again.